Error Code 0x80240438 In the store i cant download anything it say to wait a second i wait 2 day. This comes up Error Code 0x80240438 please sort this out because i need to donload app for school. Also i know millions of other with the same problem. Another bug in your server. Disa...
First I ran: wsl --install and it failed with Error: 0x80240438 I checked the issue#9385and ran wsl --install --web-download, it said the subsystem installed successfully, then it started installing linux distro, then it failed with Error code: Wsl/InstallDistro/0x80240438 ...
尝试执行以下操作,它有效并允许在 Windows 10 PC 上下载 .Net Framework 3.5:进入 RegEdit 并设置 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU 文件夹。双击 UseWUServer(UseWindowsUpdateServer)并将值更改为 0。如果值已经为 0,此修复可能不适合您。然后重新启动。 --- 注:建议在...
This error(Scan failed with error = 0x80240438) may be caused by proxy-related issues. We could check if there is the proxy on the VLAN4 by checking Internet Explorer. Step 1 Please open Internet Explorer. Step 2 Click the “Tools” drop-down arrow in the upper-right portion ...
如果使用早于 1.2019.701.0 的MSIX 打包工具版本转换现有安装程序,该工具已强制实施 Microsoft Store 版本控制要求,或使用其他工具创建未将最低版本设置为 10.0.16299.0(Windows 10 版本 1709)的包。 将应用部署到 Windows 10 版本 1709 或更高版本时,这将导致错误消息。
Error 0x80240438 for Windows Updates & Microsoft Store If you face this issue, you need to check up on the following: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooters. Disable your Antivirus or Firewall. Disable Proxy Connections. Modify theRemove access to use all Windows Update featuresPolicy. ... Best regards, Larry Please remember tomark the replies as answersif they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber...
copied from CMD after receiving the same results and error using DISM command in CMD because I can't copy from the Windows Features installer window: 0x80240438 (i accidentally posted a zero before the code in the initial post) Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:07 PM yes. installing via the Wind...
Update Failed - Error - 0x87d00219 and 0x80240438 Thanks for your time. Best regards, Amanda You Please remember tomark the replies as answersif they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact ...
重置Microsoft Store Setting >Apps >Apps & features >Microsoft Store >Advanced Options >Reset 清除Windows商店中存储的缓存打开“运行”,键入wsreset.exe。将会打开命令提示符,没有任何消息。大约30秒后,命令提示符将自动关闭,并且Microsoft Store应用程序将打开。