就是写入性能有个悬崖。我的NAS用的是debian Linux,用mdadm做了个RAID5,写入可以长时间保持在100M/s...
WIN10 第二块SSD显示Microsoft storage space device 只看楼主 收藏 回复hih82840563 龙套甲 6 SSD位浦科特M9PeG cloudol 崭露头角 10 什么主板 装芯片组的磁盘控制器驱动试试 jim9606 颇具名气 13 你是吧硬盘转成动态磁盘了吧? zyd2520 路人丙 1 同样遇到,楼主解决了吗?哪位大神指点下 负...
虚拟磁盘池创建的盘,执行这句命令会显示Microsoft Storage Space Device 这里重点强调下,不要用虚拟磁盘池创建盘,这种盘非常不标准,在使用windows自带的windows server backup功能时可能会有异常。 还是那句话,踏踏实实用基本卷保持原子性会大有好处,别整虚拟磁盘池和动态卷。 5、把(共享存储类都算,445端口共享文件...
求助sata盘被识..如图,问题盘为选中sata ssd。已经试过格式化硬盘,重新分区,换主板sata接口,还是被识别为Microsoft storage space device,写入速度没有问题,请问这怎么解决?
Usestorageorstorage spaceto refer to local capacity on a device. It's OK to usestorage deviceto refer generally to external drives, USB drives, and other types of storage hardware. When referring to cloud, usecloud storageor refer to the specific cloud provider storage in OneDrive instead....
Storage Spaces helps protect your data from drive failures and extend storage over time as you add drives to your PC. You can use Storage Spaces to group two or more drives together in a storage pool and then use capacity from that pool to create virtual drives called storage spaces. These...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
我是2007,总是打不开 powerpoint 分享1赞 组装电脑吧 不知死活ht 请问更新ATI High Definition Audio Device失败是什么状况?用驱动人生更新Realtek High Definition Audio和ATI High Definition Audio Device是弹出对话框,显示需要windows XP professional service pack3 CD上的文件‘ksuser’的对话框是什么意思,我的...
To check the total disk space left on your Windows 11 device, selectFile Explorerfrom the taskbar, and then selectThis PCon the left. The available space on your drive will appear underDevices and drives. Note:If you follow the steps below and continue to have trouble updating Windows becaus...