安裝程式會將 StartupFolder 屬性設定為 Startup 資料夾的完整路徑。 根據預設,此屬性會設定為目前使用者的資料夾。 如果 [所有使用者] 設定檔存在且 已設定 ALLUSERS 屬性,則此屬性會設定為 [所有使用者] 設定檔中的資料夾。 規格需求 展開資料表 需求值 版本 Windows Server 2012、Windows 8、Windows Server...
FOLDERID_Programs (CSIDL_PROGRAMS) StartMenuFolder所有使用者的 [開始功能表] 資料夾的完整路徑。 FOLDERID_CommonStartMenu (CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU) StartMenuFolder目前使用者 [開始] 功能表資料夾的完整路徑。 FOLDERID_StartMenu (CSIDL_STARTMENU) StartUpFolder所有使用者之 [啟動] 資料夾的完整路徑。
启动应用ms-settings:startupapps 视频播放ms-settings:videoplayback 控制中心 展开表 “设置”页面URI 控制中心ms-settings:controlcenter Cortana 展开表 “设置”页面URI 跨越我的设备使用 Cortanams-settings:cortana-notifications 更多详细信息ms-settings:cortana-moredetails ...
启动应用ms-settings:startupapps 视频播放ms-settings:videoplayback 控制中心 展开表 “设置”页面URI 控制中心ms-settings:controlcenter Cortana 展开表 “设置”页面URI 跨越我的设备使用 Cortanams-settings:cortana-notifications 更多详细信息ms-settings:cortana-moredetails ...
3. With the file location open, press the Windows logo key + R, type shell:startup, then select OK. This opens the Startup folder. 4. Copy and paste the shortcut to the app from the file location to the Startup folder. In your case, you want to add SecurityHealthSystray.exe to ...
Windows 8 is really nice to use! I was dazzled by how many new features there are. However, I have noticed that the Startup Folder can't be found. Before, I was able to control which programs are to be automatically started, since programs will automatic
How to set startup page with area in asp.net MVC 4. how to set text on a label in the Controller code behind code? How to set textbox and dropdown border color red when validating by jquery How to set the @Html.EditorFor composite value in Razor code based on other @Html.EditorFor...
Startup apps in the registry The startup applications in Windows can be stored in specific registry locations. For applications that run at startup for all users, the registry paths are: HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ...
CSIDL 等效项 CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP、CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP 旧版显示名称 启动 旧版默认路径 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\开始菜单\Programs\StartUp FOLDERID_CommonTemplates 展开表 GUID {B94237E7-57AC-4347-9151-B08C6C32D1F7} 显示名称 模板 文件夹类型 COMMON Default Path %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Window...
I have set wordpad via powershell to open up on start up which I no longer need to I used: #Create shortcut in all users startup folder if (-not (Test-Path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\RemoteApp.url")) { $null = $WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell $path = "C:\ProgramD...