Microsoft Store Apps fail to start Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness event ID 215 error Modern apps are blocked by security software Store App can't start without user profile Store app used by multiple users won't open after update Troubleshoot Apps failing to start using Process Monitor ...
深入探索那些能让工作和日常生活更加美好的 Windows 11 应用。发掘必备应用,提升生产力、创造力、沟通能力等。
你的应用需要标识它将处理的网站 URI。 为此,请将Windows.appUriHandler扩展注册添加到应用的清单文件Package.appxmanifest。 例如,如果网站的地址为“”,则会在应用的清单中输入以下条目: XML <Applications><Application...>...<Extensions><uap3:ExtensionCategory="windows.appUriHandler"><uap3:AppUriHan...
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run For applications that run at startup for the current user, the registry path is: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Caution: modifying the registry can have unintended consequences. It’s important to be ...
可以在 Windows 上通过链接到 Microsoft Store 中的应用列表来帮助客户发现你的应用。 获取指向你的应用的应用商店一览的链接 若要获取应用的 Store 一览的 URL,请导航至应用在合作伙伴中心的“产品管理”部分的产品标识页。 该 URL 的格式为<your app's Store ID>。
若要在登录时自动启动终端,请参阅 startOnUserLogin。命令名称:globalSummon默认绑定:此命令当前未绑定在默认设置中。JSON 复制 { "command": { "action": "globalSummon" } } 参数展开表 名称必要性接受说明 desktop 可选 any、 toCurrent、、 onCurrent 这会控制终端应如何与虚拟桌面进行交互。 "any":将...
Get Windows 11 Easy to work, play, and go about your day. Use the intuitive Windows 11. Get Windows 11 Find the right PC for you Choose your PC There’s a PC that’s right for everyone. See which computer works best for your life. ...
开始使用 Microsoft 的工具构建 AI 支持的应用程序。了解 Power Apps,并查找为组织构建 AI 支持的应用解决方案所需的一切信息。
Once the connection to your device or app is complete, you're ready to start using it. Tip You can pin your favorite devices and apps to the Favorites tab for quick access. To learn more, see Device and app actions in ...
Default browser settingsms-settings:defaultbrowsersettings (Deprecated in Windows 11) Manage optional featuresms-settings:optionalfeatures Offline Mapsms-settings:maps ms-settings:maps-downloadmaps (Download maps) Startup appsms-settings:startupapps ...