优化SQL Server 存储过程以避免重新编译 (sql-server-performance.com/rd_optimizing_sp_recompiles.asp) SQL Server 2000 中的查询重新编译 (msdn2.microsoft.com/aa902682.aspx)SQL Server 2005 动态管理视图 (DMV) 中包含大量信息,很有帮助。当 CPU 利用率很高时,我使用几个 DMV 帮助我确定对 CPU 的利用是...
Best Practices, Tips, Benchmarks, Troubleshooting and Monitoring - SQL Server, ADO.NET, Analysis Services, and SSISThe “Balanced Data Distributor” for SSISThe “Balanced Data Distributor” for SSISLen Wyatt, SQL Server Performance Team There is...Date...
Performance (Service Broker) Security and Protection (Service Broker) Spatial data Stored procedures Tables Track changes Triggers User-defined functions Views XML data Development Internals & Architecture Installation Migrate & load data Manage, monitor, & tune ...
In this recipe, we first created and configured our trace by executing a T-SQL script. The script first declares some required variables whose values are passed as parameters to system stored procedures. It creates a trace by executing the sp_trace_create stored procedure that returns ID of th...
data is processed on the server and all the events included in trace definition are guaranteed to be captured without miss. However, this guarantee comes with performance penalty, because processing trace data on server has an impact on the performance of SQL Server, and hence enabling this optio...
此执行计划描述 SQL ServerTM 为满足查询和生成所需结果集而执行的物理和逻辑操作的顺序。此执行计划是在查询处理的最优化阶段由称为查询优化器的数据库引擎组件生成的,这要考虑到许多不同的因素,例如,查询中使用的搜索谓词、涉及的表和其连接条件、返回的列清单,以及是否存在能用作数据的有效访问路径的有用索引。
SQL SERVER 2005Statistics used by SQL 2005As we know, existence and the subsequent updates of statistics is a very important factor governing SQL Server query performance. However, the implementation details are different in SQL 2005. Understand the nuances by referring to this article https://www...
SQL Server: Optimizing SQL Server Query Performance From the Editor: More Power to You Research Notes: Using High-Performance Computing in the Fight against HIV Windows Confidential: The File System Paradox The Desktop Files: The Truth about Defragmentation ...
Microsoft SQL Server 提供了以下两种加速备份和还原操作的方式: 使用多个备份设备使得可以将备份并行写入所有设备。备份设备的速度是备份吞吐量的一个潜在瓶颈。使用多个设备可以按使用的设备数成比例提高吞吐量。同样,可以将备份并行从多个设备还原。有关详细信息,请参阅本主题后面的“使用多个介质或设备”。 结合使用...