syntaxsql CREATEDATABASEdatabase_snapshot_nameON(NAME=logical_file_name,FILENAME='os_file_name') [ ,...n ]ASSNAPSHOTOF[;] 引數 database_name 這是新資料庫的名稱。 資料庫名稱在 SQL Server 的執行個體內必須是唯一的,且必須符合識別碼的規則。
Create a database snapshot syntaxsql CREATEDATABASEdatabase_snapshot_nameON(NAME=logical_file_name,FILENAME='os_file_name') [ ,...n ]ASSNAPSHOTOF[;] Arguments database_name This is the name of the new database. Database names must be unique within an instance of SQL Server and compl...
CREATE DATABASE database_snapshot_name ON ( NAME = logical_file_name, FILENAME = 'os_file_name' ) [ ,...n ] AS SNAPSHOT OF [;] Arguments database_name This is the name of the new database. Database names must be unique within an instance of SQL Server and comply with the ...
Use SQL Server Management StudioIn Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine and then expand that instance. Right-click Databases, and then select New Database. In New Database, enter a database name. To create the database by accepting all default values, ...
CREATE USER __DBUSER__ FOR LOGINdomain\__DBUSER__; 其中domain\__DBUSER__ 对应于此用户的现有 SQL Server 登录。 通过输入以下命令,运行 createWsrrDb.sql 脚本以创建 WSRR 数据库: sqlcmd.exe -i $SQLPATH/createWsrrDb.sql 为WSRR 创建模式和数据库表: ...
3.在sqlserver中,关键字不区分大小写,但是内容区分大小写,值的单位也不区分大小写(如mb和MB) 4.值必须用单引号 ‘’引起来 5.值可以使用两种方式,一种以兆数,一种以百分比 6.逻辑名是绝对不可以重名的 7.切换数据库,use +数据库名 8.创建数据库,create database 数据库名 ...
使用CreateDatabase 方法可在 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 开发环境中创建新的 SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SQL Server Compact Edition) 数据库。示例以下代码用于说明如何新建 SqlCeEngine 对象,然后调用 CreateDatabase 方法新建 SQL Server Compact Edition 数据库。在本示例中,System.IO.File 对象用于检查...
CREATE DATABASE database_snapshot_name ON ( NAME = logical_file_name, FILENAME = 'os_file_name' ) [ ,...n ] AS SNAPSHOT OF source_database_name [;] Arguments database_name Is the name of the new database. Database names must be unique within an instance of SQL Server and comp...
using System; using System.Data.SqlClient; 切换到窗体视图,然后双击“创建数据库”以添加单击事件处理程序。 将以下示例代码添加到处理程序: C# 复制 String str; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection ("Server=localhost;Integrated security=SSPI;database=master"); str = "CREATE DATABASE MyDatabas...
// Create a connection to the Publisher.ServerConnection conn =newServerConnection(publisherName);try{// Connect to the Publisher.conn.Connect();// Enable the database for merge publication.publicationDb =newReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, conn);if(publicationDb.LoadProperties()) {if(!