ActionShortcut Insert a new lineENTER or SHIFT+ENTER Swap the characters on either side of the cursor (doesn't apply to the SQL Editor.)CTRL+T Delete one character to the right of the cursorDELETE Delete one character to the left of the cursorBACKSPACE ...
ActionShortcut Move to the SQL Server Management Studio menu bar ALT Activate the menu for a tool component ALT+HYPHEN Display the context menu SHIFT+F10 Display the New File dialog box to create a file CTRL+N Display the New Project dialog box to create a new project CTRL+SHIFT+N Display...
Learn to comment & uncomment code, indent text, filter objects, access error logs, & find SQL Server instance names with SQL Server Management Studio.
访问“SQL Server 备份管理”子菜单。ALT+S+M 显示“将表添加到 SQL Server 备份”对话框。ALT+S+M+B 显示“从 SQL Server 备份还原表”对话框。ALT+S+M+R 显示“管理 SQL Server 备份内容”对话框。ALT+S+M+C “帮助”菜单命令 要访问“帮助”菜单,可使用键盘快捷方式 Alt+H。下表介绍了用来访问“...
学习技术技能,为未来做好准备。 查找培训、虚拟活动以及与 Microsoft 学生开发人员社区建立联系的机会。 教师中心 通过互动课程深入学习,赢得专业开发时间,获得认证并找到有助于实现目标的计划。 Microsoft Learn 博客 通过Microsoft Learn 社区获取有关学习内容和活动的最新更新、文章和资讯。
The name of a built-in function, such asSERVERPROPERTY, or@@VERSION. The name of a system stored procedure table, or views, such assys.data_spacesorsp_tableoption. Editor tasks Expand table Customize Menus and Shortcut Keys SQL Server Management Studio keyboard shortcuts ...
Highlight everything except for theAlter Databasecommand, and then select theCommentbutton: 备注 The keyboard shortcut to comment text isCTRL + K, CTRL + C. Highlight theAlter Databaseportion of the text, and then select theUncommentbutton to uncomment it: ...
Customize Menus & Shortcut Keys Configure WMI to Show Server Status in SQL Server Tools Configure Login Auditing Enable copying from find and replace window Enable tabs to move Troubleshoot SQL Server Agent Register servers Scripting of Database Engine ...
Hi, Currently I am using XLOOKUP function where I need to pull the specific data from certain column. In the past, I would click on the first data cell...
顯示[連線至 SQL Server]、[連線至 SQL Azure]、[重新連線至 SQL Server] 或 [重新連線至 SQL Azure] 對話方塊。ALT + F + Q 存取最近的專案。ALT + F + P 結束SSMA 應用程式。ALT + F + X 編輯功能表命令 若要存取 [編輯] 功能表,使用的鍵盤快速鍵是 ALT + E。下表描述用來存取 [編輯] ...