Well, the address of the first IAM page of the heap table itself is stored in thesysindexestable withindid = 0(see Figure 2). In that respect, the abbreviation IAM is a little misleading; it would be better called SAM (Storage Allocation Map or Space Allocation Map). Figure 2. Table w...
CaptionAbbreviation表示缩写。 CaptionDescription表示说明。 Channel表示渠道。 城市表示市县。 Company表示公司。 洲表示洲。 国家/地区表示国家(地区)。 县表示市县。 CustomerGroup表示客户组。 CustomerHousehold表示全体客户。 客户表示客户。 DateCanceled表示取消日期。
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance name>\MSSearch\Language\<language-abbreviation>\TsaurusFile 全局同义词库文件对应于 LCID 为 0 的非特定语言。 此值只能由管理员更改。 全文查询如何使用同义词库 同义词库查询同时使用特定于语言的同义词库和全局同义词库。
Table 2-2 Data Types in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL ServerDescriptionOracleComments INTEGER Four-byte integer, 31 bits, and a sign. May be abbreviated as "INT" (this abbreviation was required prior to version 5). NUMBER(10) It is possible to place a table constraint on...
Specify TYPE COLUMN type_column_name only if column_name specifies a varbinary(max) or image column, in which data is stored as binary data; otherwise, SQL Server returns an error.ملاحظة At indexing time, the Full-Text Engine uses the abbreviation in the type column of ...
Common data inconsistencies include misspellings, inconsistent abbreviation usage, and other free-form text input anomalies. Consider the duplicate records shown inFigure 1. While these records describe the same customer to human eyes, automating a custom process to recognize this fact is much more dif...
Get acronym or abbreviationOperation ID: AbbrGet Retrieve a list of possible terms and their definitions. Parameters Розгорнутитаблицю NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Term term True string The search term. Category ID categoryid string The category identifier. Sort By sortby ...
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Database Engine Common Criteria Evaluation (EAL2+) Security Target SQL Server 2014 Team Author: Version: Date: Roger French (Microsoft Corporation) 1.42 2015-03-27 Abstract This document is the Security Target (ST) for the Common Criteria certification of the ...
datepartnamedatepartabbreviation yearyy,yyyy quarterqq,q monthmm,m dayofyeardy,y daydd,d weekwk,ww weekdaydw,w hourhh minutemi,n secondss,s millisecondms microsecondmcs nanosecondns Each specificdatepartname and abbreviations for thatdatepartname returns the same value. ...
Specify TYPE COLUMNtype_column_nameonly ifcolumn_namespecifies avarbinary(max)orimagecolumn, in which data is stored as binary data; otherwise, SQL Server returns an error. Note At indexing time, the Full-Text Engine uses the abbreviation in the type column of each table row to identify which...