Version: Date Published: 6/18/2021 File Name: msoledbsql.msi msoledbsql.msi File Size: 6.4 MB 3.7 MB This page is no longer maintained. To download the Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server, please go to the documentation page at
Version 18.0 of theMicrosoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Serverhas been released. Version 18.0 brings several changes, new features, and fixes to the driver. Features Added compatibility with OpenSSL 3.0 Ability to send long types as max types Support for TDS 8.0 Compatibility extensions for...
access and collaboration. (Note: The Microsoft Power Query add-in for Excel 2010/2013 is no longer being updated by Microsoft. Please upgrade to a newer Excel version.)
下载JDBC Driver 12.8 的最新更新。 • GitHub,12.8.0• Maven Central 完全符合 JDBC API 规范 4.2。 根据Java 版本兼容性命名 12.8 包中的 jar。例如,12.8 包中的 mssql-jdbc-12.8.0.jre11.jar 文件应与 Java 11(或更高版本)配合使用。 与Java 开发工具包 (JDK) 版本 22.0、21.0、17.0、11.0 和 ...
Microsoft JDBC Driver 11.2 for SQL Server: JDBC 驅動程式 11.2 在每個安裝套件中均包含四個 JAR 類別庫:mssql-jdbc-11.2.0.jre8.jar、mssql-jdbc-11.2.0.jre11.jar、mssql-jdbc-11.2.0.jre17.jar和mssql-jdbc-11.2.0.jre18.jar。 JDBC 驅動程式 11.2 專為搭配及支援所有主要 Java 虛擬機器運作而設...
OLE DB Driver 18.5 for SQL Server is released, bringing support for SQL Data Discovery and Classification and Azure Active Directory Service Principal authentication to the driver along with a number of fixes. The driver can bedownloaded directly from Microsoft. ...
%PROGRAM FILES%\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\OLEDB<major_version><minor_version>\SDK OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 標頭檔 (msoledbsql.h) 可以用來將 OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 資料存取功能新增至您的自訂應用程式。 OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 標頭檔包含使用 SQL Server 2005 ...
%PROGRAM FILES%\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\OLEDB<major_version><minor_version>\SDK OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 头文件 (msoledbsql.h) 可用于将 OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 数据访问功能添加到自定义应用程序。 在适用于 SQL Server 的 OLE DB 驱动程序头文件中,可找到利用 SQL Serv...
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv); } }voidfunc2(){ SQLHENV henv; SQLHDBC hdbc1; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT i =21;#defineMAXBUFLEN 255SQLCHAR ConnStrIn[MAXBUFLEN] ="DRIVER={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};SERVER=server_that_supports_connection_resiliency;Encrypt...
Update your relevant version of SQL Server. Any applicable driver fixes are included in those updates. I am running my own application on my system. What action do I need to take? Update your application to use Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 or 19. Update the drivers to the versions listed ...