语句级事件(sql_statement_completed、sql_statement_starting、sp_statement_starting、sp_statement_completed) 登录和注销事件(login、process_login_finish、login_event、logout) 锁定事件(lock_acquired、lock_cancel、lock_released) 等待事件(wait_info、wait_info_external) ...
Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users or ask the system administrator to check the SQL Server lock and memory configuration. 备注 在出现 MSSQLSERVER_1204 错误时,它将停止处理当前语句并导致活动事务回滚。 如果重启数据库服务,则回滚本身可能会阻止用户或导致较长的数据库恢复时...
SQL -- Uses AdventureWorksCREATEPROCEDUREFindEmployee @EmpLNameVARCHAR(20)ASSELECT@EmpLName =RTRIM(@EmpLName) +'%';SELECTp.FirstName, p.LastName, a.CityFROMPerson.Person pINNERJOINPerson.Address aONp.BusinessEntityID = a.AddressIDWHEREp.LastNameLIKE@EmpLName; GO EXEC FindEmployee @EmpLName =...
此文章會列出 Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server 的版本。 針對每個發行版本,會將變更命名並加以描述。
An alias type based on a SQL Server system data type. Alias data types are created with the CREATE TYPE statement before they can be used in a table definition. The NULL or NOT NULL assignment for an alias data type can be overridden during the CREATE TABLE statement. However, the length...
Microsoft SQL Server 2008技术内幕:T-SQL查询 笔记 目录 F F F F F F F F F 第一章 逻辑查询处理 F F F outer join将保留表中没有找到匹配的行 F 在sql中谓词表达式的可能取值为true,false,unknown,这就是所谓的三值逻辑,是sql特有的属性
Set implicit transaction mode on through either an API function or the Transact-SQL SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON statement. After implicit transaction mode has been set on for a connection, the instance of the Database Engine automatically starts a transaction when it first executes any of these ...
This command runs the statement, so only use it on SELECT statements or T-SQL code that does not modify data, or you can preface the command with a BEGIN TRAN /ROLLBACK statement.As an alternative, use the new profiler Performance:Showplan Statistics event in SQL 2000. This event belongs ...
TheALTER TABLEstatement fails if adding the column causes the data row size to exceed 8,060 bytes. Examples For examples, seeALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL). ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL) Additional resources Events SQL at FabCon Vegas Apr 1, 7 AM - Apr 3, 7 AM ...