Learning Plan to Upgrade from MCDBA to MCITP Certification as a Database Administrator Learning Plan to Enhance SQL Query Performance in SQL Server 2005 Learning Plan to Create a Highly Available SQL Server 2005 Database Without Clustering More learning plans... Books More books...中文...
管理和监视 SQL Server 实例 管理高可用性和灾难恢复 在Azure 中实现 SQL 管理数据库和实例 管理存储 工作角色:数据库管理员 要求的考试:70-76470-765 转到Learn 个人资料 两种准备方法 此集合中的项 对此尚无可用的学习路径或模块 认证考试 考试70-764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure ...
擷取和轉換數據 載入資料 設定及部署 SSIS 解決方案 建置數據質量解決方案 下載認證技術大綱 職務角色:資料庫管理員 必要考試:70-46170-46270-463 前往Learn 設定檔 兩種準備方式 此收藏中的項目 學習路徑或模組目前不適用於此 認證考試 測試70-461: 查詢 Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 ...
MCSA:SQL 2016 BI 開發認證詳細資料 警告 此認證已經淘汰。 如需目前可用的選項,請參閱 [瀏覽認證與測驗] 頁面。 此認證會驗證您的擷取、轉換和載入 (ETL) 和數據倉儲技能,以及使用多維度和表格式數據模型和在線分析處理 (OLAP) Cube 實作 BI 解決方案的人員。 已測驗的技能 設計、實作和維護數據倉儲 擷...
IgmGuru's Microsoft SQL Certification training enables you to manage database solutions and various operations on databases and move them to the cloud and scale on demand. You will get proficient at genuine undertakings and ace Transact SQL. ...
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SQL Server 7.0 followed the same format. When SQL Server 2000 was introduced, certification was changed to the MCDBA, which required four exams to achieve certification.When Microsoft introduced SQL Server 2005, there were two types of SQL Server certifications: the Microsoft Certified Technology ...
Azure Database Administrator Associate (DP-300): Aimed at database professionals who manage cloud and locally hosted relational databases built on top of Microsoft SQL Server and Azure data services. Specialty: Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty (DP-420): This specialty certification is for develope...
For customers needing a cross-platform companion to SSMS for managing SQL and other Azure databases, useAzure Data Studio. For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2. ...
For example, most server level permissions can't be granted on Azure SQL Database, and a few permissions only make sense on Azure SQL Database. New permissions are being introduced gradually with new releases. SQL Server 2019 (15.x) exposes 248 permissions.SQL Server 2017 (14.x) exposed ...