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(Create Windows 10 installation media) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 once you have it, you also need to download The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install (note t...
Download add ons, extensions, service packs, and other tools to use with your Windows software. Looking for updates to Windows? As of November 2016, Microsoft Windows Updates are now available for download from the Microsoft Update Catalog only. As always, all updates will still be available...
Download Windows 10Disc Image (ISO File) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO/ You might find 1511 iso from other websites but not from Microsoft. Use it at you own risk. Any reason you prefer to stay with the "older" Win 10 version ?
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适用于 Windows 10 版本 2004 的 Windows ADK 适用于 ADK 版本 2004 的 Windows PE 加载项 此ADK 支持 Windows 10 版本 2004 及更高版本的 Windows 10 注意:在向Windows PE 加载项应用最近的更新之前,请先验证已经首先应用了先决条件,即KB5026361 中的服务堆栈更新 (SSU)。 有关如何应用 SSU,请参阅将 Wind...
Downloading Windows 10 ARM Preview I can't download the Windows 10 ARM Preview. I am a registered insider. When I get to this pagehttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewARM64?wa=wsignin1.0it says I need to sign in--but I believe I am signed in. ...
Download the Windows ADK 10.1.26100.2454 (December 2024) Download the Windows PE add-on for the Windows ADK 10.1.26100.2454 (December 2024) What's new in the Windows ADK For Windows 10 IoT Core, alsodownload the IoT Core Add-Ins.