1. Windows Server® 2003 作業系統的 Service Pack 1 2. Windows SharePoint® Services 2.0 Service Pack 1 3. Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1 4. Windows XP SP2 for Client Deployment 5. Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP1 若要下載上述所有 Service Pack,請按一下下載及安裝 Windows Small...
Microsoft® Windows® Small Business Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 提供 Windows Small Business Server 2003 (Windows SBS) 的最新軟體及安全性更新,包括:增強式安全性及效能、增加的可靠性,及增進的生產和協同作業。如需此 Service Pack 的更詳細技術資訊,請參閱 Windows SBS 2003 (包含 Service Pack...
在主域控制器和备份域控制器上都可以安装 BizTalk Server 2006,但是我们建议您不要这样做,除非是在 Small Business Server (SBS) 上安装 BizTalk Server 2006,在这种情况下,SBS 通常是域控制器。 本地化版本和跨语言支持 本地化版本 提供以下语言版本的 BizTalk Server 2006: · 英语 · 日语 · 德语 ...
在打开框中,键入本文前面给出的某个命令行,然后单击确定。 方法2:删除并又一次安装 Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business 假设Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business 与曾经安装的 Microsoft Office 2000 Professional 安装在同一目录中,您则必须删除 Office Small Business 以及 Office 的不论什么其它实例,然后又一次安...
摘要: Take control of your projects with this in-depth guide Whether you're managing a project for a small team or supervising a corporate assignment involving hundreds, the power of Microsoft Project 2007 and the detailed information in this comprehensive guide can keep...
has decided to come out again with its low cost accounting market with Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting, which will be launched in 2006. In earlier efforts, Microsoft have failed miserably, so people feel that it will put more resources this time. It also reports that lack of ...
方法2:删除并重新安装 Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business如果 Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business 与以前安装的 Microsoft Office 2000 Professional 安装在同一文件夹中,您则必须删除 Office Small Business 以及 Office 的任何其他实例,然后重新安装 Office Small Business。为此,请按照下列步骤操作: ...
5. Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP1 To download each of these service packs, click“Downloading and Installing Windows Small Business Server 2003 Service Pack 1”. The file provides links to download all of the necessary service packs, along with detailed instructions for how to complete the...
有关此 service pack 更详细的技术信息,请参阅 Windows SBS 2003 SP1 新增功能 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=40097)。 可以通过下载获得 Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP1 Standard Edition,也可以按 CD 程序包进行定购。Premium Edition 的用户可以选择下载 SP1,但是定购Windows Small Business...