如果您在測試期間看到此錯誤訊息,請先確定您已成功啟用 SSO 擴充功能,並已安裝任何必要的應用程式特定擴充功能 (例如 Microsoft Single Sign On for Chrome)。 如果您繼續看到此訊息,建議您連絡應用程式的廠商,以提醒他們與新的儲存位置不相容。受影響的案例下列清單包含一些受這些變更影響的常見案例。 根據經驗法則,...
Configure SAML single sign-on for Chrome deviceshttps://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/6060880?hl=enBesides, check this similar case for a hint:SSO Not Working with Edge or ChromeChrome does not play well with AD or SSO unless you have the Google ADM/ ADMX solutions. Google does have...
So this will give you SSO like the extension did before.https://scloud.work/google-chrome-single-sign-on-sso-azure-ad/","body@stripHtml({\"removeProcessingText\":false,\"removeSpoilerMarkup\":false,\"removeTocMarkup\":false,\"truncateLength\":200})@stringLength":"142","kudosSumWeight"...
An Active Directory technology that provides single-sign-on functionality by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.
学习技术技能,为未来做好准备。 查找培训、虚拟活动以及与 Microsoft 学生开发人员社区建立联系的机会。 教师中心 通过互动课程深入学习,赢得专业开发时间,获得认证并找到有助于实现目标的计划。 Microsoft Learn 博客 通过Microsoft Learn 社区获取有关学习内容和活动的最新更新、文章和资讯。
For applications that are not federated, when the user first clicks on the tile to sign in using password-based SSO, an access panel extension is downloaded automatically in the browser. The required access panel extension is available for Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox browsers....
During troubleshooting single sign-on (SSO) issues with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), if users received unexpected NTLM or forms-based authentication prompt, follow the steps in this article to troubleshoot this issue. ...
Windows Accounts Google Chrome Extension Hi, I am unsure if it is the right platform to ask this question, Please move the question to the right place if it's not. Our Azure AD team recently installed the following extension on Google ......
The top-level element of this visual tree is a Border, an element that can play parent to a single child. In this sample, three properties of this Border are assigned with the TemplateBinding markup extension. TemplateBinding is used to bind properties of elements in the visual tree to ...
to them. For applications that are not federated, when the user first clicks on the tile to sign in using password-based SSO, an access panel extension is downloaded automatically in the browser. The required access panel extension is available for Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox browsers...