signtool sign /v /ac MSCV-VSClass3.cer /s My /n "MyCompany Inc." /t /ac FileName 指定包含要添加到签名块的另一个证书的文件。 此文件是从 Microsoft 交叉证书下载链接获得的交叉签名证书 MSCV-VSClass3.cer。 如果交叉证书不在当前目录中,请使用完整路...
Signature verification of access token fails with JWKS JWT header: JSON Copy { "typ": "JWT", "nonce": "2mcGtFKjeHKlOzPqxjvOM9_OD5EQeYfGu6YtfEFH...
/uwSpécifie l’utilisation deWindows System Component Verificationou1. Pour obtenir des exemples, consultezUtilisation de SignTool pour signer un fichier. Le tableau suivant répertorie les options qui peuvent être utilisées avec la commandetimestamp: ...
/p7Verifies PKCS #7 files. No existing policies are used for PKCS #7 validation. The signature is checked and a chain is built for the signing certificate. /paSpecifies that the Default Authenticode Verification Policy should be used. If the/paoption is not specified, Sign Tool uses the Win...
Modifiers: Strong - Strong signature verification MSRoot - Must chain to a Microsoft root MSTestRoot - Must chain to a Microsoft test root AppRoot - Must chain to a Microsoft application root EV - Enforce Extended Validation PolicyOptions:Windows Command Prompt Copy ...
signtool sign /a MyFile.exe La commande suivante signe numériquement un fichier à l'aide d'un certificat stocké dans un fichier pfx protégé par un mot de passe. signtool sign /f MyCert.pfx /p MyPassword MyFile.exe La commande suivante signe numériquement et insère un horodatage...
Sign Tool returns an exit code of zero for successful execution, one for failed execution, and two for execution that completed with warnings.ExamplesThe command demonstrates how to sign a file automatically using the best certificate.复制 signtool sign /a MyFile.exe ...
DHA-Enabled MDM (Device HealthAttestation enabled device management solution): Device HealthAttestation enabled (DHA-Enabled) device management solution is a device management tool that is integrated with the DHA feature. DHA-Enabled device management solutions enable enterprise IT managers to raise the ...
To resolve Windows Update corruptions and address update installation failures, use the DISM tool. Then, install the Windows Update.Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, open the Start menu, type Command Prompt, right-click Command Prompt, and then select Run as administrator....
To resolve Windows Update corruptions and address update installation failures, use the DISM tool. Then, install the Windows Update. Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, open theStartmenu, typeCommand Prompt, right-clickCommand Prompt, and then selectRun as administrator. I...