利用Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007,您可以创建可附加到 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 中的任何 SharePoint 列表的无代码工作流。这些工作流可以在添加或更改列表项时自动启动,并且可以包含关联操作的条件逻辑。 Office SharePoint Designer 2007 工作流可以分析列表项数据,然后再相应地分配任务。例...
利用Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007,您可以创建可附加到 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 中的任何 SharePoint 列表的无代码工作流。这些工作流可以在添加或更改列表项时自动启动,并且可以包含关联操作的条件逻辑。 Office SharePoint Designer 2007 工作流可以分析列表项数据,然后再相应地分配任务...
Explore the links below to find out more about developing solutions for SharePoint Designer 2007.This section of the MSDN Library provides resources to help you get started developing solutions that take advantage of SharePoint Designer 2007 and the 2007 Microsoft Office system.Expand...
使用Office SharePoint Designer 2007 可在 SharePoint 平台上创建和部署交互式解决方案,而无需编写代码。 使用“工作流设计器”使文档审批、自定义事件通知和其他协作任务等业务流程实现自动化。 使用数据视图和表单创建报告和跟踪应用程序,从而从网站外以及网站上的 SharePoint 列表和文档库中轻松收集和聚合数据。
第一步:用Designer打开网站(http://spark_pc:8080/PERSONAL/TEST),在Designer里设计一个新的HelloWorld.aspx页面,里面放置一个Button和一个Label,当点击Button后,Label显示Hello World!!!。 布局如下: 第二步:打开VS新建一个类库工程,首先在工程中引入System.Web和Microsoft.SharePoint,然后定义Button,Label,编写Butto...
Read book excerpts about developing for SharePoint Designer 2007. This section of the MSDN library provides book excerpts about SharePoint Designer 2007 that are online excerpts of published books. Each chapter often focuses on one key solution or set of tasks as well as providing you a free, ...
Promoting Form Fields as SharePoint Columns For form fields to be used in Office SharePoint Designer 2007 workflow conditions and actions, they must be promoted as SharePoint columns. You can specify promoted fields in theForm Optionsdialog box or in the InfoPath Publishing Wizard. ...
数据视图可以链接多个数据源,如RSS源、XML文件,甚至是Office 2007的XML文件,实现数据的动态显示和更新。此外,Office SharePoint Designer 2007还支持高级报告功能,如计算字段、条件格式、排序、分组和筛选,帮助您创建专业水准的报告。例如,你可以根据库存数量设置条件格式,突出显示需要处理的任务。对于...
Deploy custom SharePoint solutions Everything up to this point has focused on how you can use SharePoint Designer 2013 to create real business solutions. You’ve seen that you can connect to and integrate with data both inside and outside of SharePoint, create powerful user interfaces to this...