如果已转到如下图所示的应用程序目录网站,则表示租户已有 SharePoint 租户应用程序目录网站。 否则,将自动预配 SharePoint 租户应用程序目录网站。 创建开发网站集 打开浏览器并导航到 Microsoft 365 租户的SharePoint 管理中心网站:https://{{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}}-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online...
開啟瀏覽器並流覽至您Microsoft 365 租使用者的SharePoint系統管理中心網站:https://{{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}}-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx。 將上述 URL 中的文字{{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}}取代為您Microsoft 365 租使用者的唯一前置詞。 例如,如果您的 SharePoint ...
SharePoint 有兩種類型的網站:小組網站和通訊網站。 讓我們深入探討小組網站,以在小組內共同作業及共用資訊。 SharePoint 小組網站可將教育人員及其小組連結至他們每天使用的內容、資訊和應用程式。 例如,使用小組網站儲存檔案及進行共同作業,或建立及管理資訊清單。 在小組網站首頁上,檢視重要小組檔案、Ap...
以Adele Vance (AdeleV@<tenant>.onmicrosoft.com) 身份登录 SharePoint (https://<tenant>.sharepoint.com),并导航到之前为培训内容创建的 SharePoint 文件夹。 选择+ 新建,然后选择Word 文档。 向文档添加标题,然后选择文件 > 另存为 > 重命名,输入Tailwind Safety Guidelines.docx...
特色主题 使用SharePoint 的方式 联系你的组织 更多帮助 SharePoint 帮助中心 产品更新 LinkedIn Learning 相关主题 SharePoint 经典体验和新式体验 文档协作和共同创作 需要更多帮助? 需要更多选项? 发现社区 了解订阅权益、浏览培训课程、了解如何保护设备等。 Microsoft 365 订阅权益 Microsoft 365 培训 Microsoft...
Manage content, collaborate, customize workflows, and create team sites using Microsoft SharePoint with advanced security and governance controls built in.
Welcome to the SharePoint 2010 learning center. SharePoint 2010 includes numerous new capabilities and features for professional developers. In this welcome video you will hear from some of the team members behind the training kit to understand what the kit is all about and what are plans are ...
2010 includes numerous new capabilities and features for professional developers. In this welcome video you will hear from some of the team members behind the training kit to understand what the kit is all about and what are plans are for the future of the SharePoint learning center on Channel...
SharePoint users Find help, training, and technical support for your SharePoint users. Microsoft 365 Community Content Find solutions and scenario guidance for Microsoft 365 users as contributed by the IT Professional and Admin community. More resources on Learn...
SharePoint API references SharePoint users Find help, training, and technical support for your SharePoint users. Microsoft 365 Community Content Find solutions and scenario guidance for Microsoft 365 users as contributed by the IT Professional and Admin community. More resources on Learn SharePoint...