Explore security solutions to defend against cyberthreats with Microsoft Defender threat protection products for enterprises, small businesses, and individuals.
Explore security solutions to defend against cyberthreats with Microsoft Defender threat protection products for enterprises, small businesses, and individuals.
Microsoft服务信任门户提供有关Microsoft云服务如何保护数据以及如何管理组织的云数据安全性和合规性的各种内容、工具和其他资源。 提示 如果你不是 E5 客户,请使用 90 天Microsoft Purview 解决方案试用版来探索其他 Purview 功能如何帮助组织管理数据安全性和合规性需求。 立即在Microsoft Purview 试用中心开始。 了解有...
使用适用于 HoloLens 的 Windows 设备门户可以通过 Wi-Fi 或 USB 远程配置和管理设备。 Device Portal 是 HoloLens 上的 Web 服务器,你可以从电脑上的 Web 浏览器连接到它。 设备门户包含许多工具,可帮助你管理 HoloLens 以及调试和优化应用。本文档专门介绍适用于 HoloLens 的 Windows 设备门户。 若要使用适用...
Classic portal - This tutorial describes how to use Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps to secure your Azure, AWS, and GCP cloud platforms.
Microsoft Security CopilotPre-RequisitesTo make the most of this new Logic App connector, there are a few prerequisites to be aware ofTenant deployment requirements: Your Logic App must be deployed within a tenant that is actively participating in the Security Copilot Early Access Program User ...
The Microsoft Service Trust Portal (STP) is a one-stop shop for security, regulatory compliance, and privacy information related to the Microsoft cloud.
The Microsoft Security Response Center is part of the defender community and on the front line of security response evolution. For over twenty years, we have been engaged with security researchers working to protect customers and the broader ecosystem. ...
You can improve your Secure Score on your Windows devices by expanding the individual security controls such as: EDR, Antivirus, OS Security updates, etc. From there you can see the machines that need to be addressed under thecolumn. Click on the respective number and take ...
Or, to go directly to the report, use https://security.microsoft.com/adminSubmissionReport. To go directly to the Submissions page in the Defender portal, select Go to submissions. The chart shows the following information: Pending Completed The details table below the graph shows the same ...