如果在你登录到工作或学校帐户后,紧接着出现设置安全信息的提示,你可以遵循以下步骤进行设置。 仅当尚未设置组织所需的安全信息时,才会看到此提示。 如果之前已设置安全信息,但想要进行更改,请参阅添加或更新安全信息概述。 如果你在屏幕上看到的内容与本文中介绍的内容不匹配,则表示管理员尚未打开此体验。
Here's your free trial of Microsoft 365 Unlock now Add a new way to sign in To add a new way to verify your sign-in: Sign in to theAdvanced security optionspage of your Microsoft Account. Sign in SelectAdd a new way to sign in or verifythen choose how yo...
某些应用(例如 Outlook 2010)不支持双步验证。 缺少支持意味着,如果在组织中使用双步验证,则应用将不起作用。 若要解决此问题,可以创建一个自动生成的密码,用于每个非浏览器应用,独立于普通密码。 如果屏幕上显示的内容与本文中介绍的内容不匹配,这意味着管理员尚未启用此体验。 在启用此体...
Check for security updates AI-powered security From your every day to when you’re away, AI-powered Windows security keeps you safe. Trust your apps With the power of AI,Smart App Controlcan help predict which apps are safe to run on Windows 11.1 ...
Your security info is updated to use the Microsoft Authenticator app by default to verify your identity when using two-step verification or password reset. On the Phone set up page, choose whether you want to receive a text message or a phone call, and then...
On This PageIntroduction SSPI API Building Secure Distributed Applications Summary SUMMARYIntroductionThe Microsoft's Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) is the Win32® interface between transport level applications and network security service providers. The interface is supported by the following:...
Security Baselines Defend Against Threats Get ahead of threat actors with integrated solutions. Microsoft Sentinel Microsoft Defender XDR Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence Secure All Your Clouds Protection from code to runtime. ...
connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your selection by clicking “Manage Cookies” at the bottom of the page.Privacy StatementThird-Party ...
We provide communication templates and user documentation to prepare your users for the new experience and help to ensure a successful rollout. Send users to https://myprofile.microsoft.com to register by selecting the Security Info link on that page....
Microsoft 安全响应中心 (MSRC) 会调查所有影响 Microsoft 产品和服务的安全漏洞报告,并在此处提供相关信息,这是帮助您管理安全风险并保护系统安全的持续努力的一部分。 全部 部署 漏洞 Advisories Something went wrong! You may want to try the following troubleshooting steps: Refresh the page and try again. ...