使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
Recently Microsoft in its latest update has pushed an new feature in Windows OS, which is Microsoft Edge Desktop Search Bar. The Microsoft Edge Search Bar on Desktop allows the user to have a quick search of any query on internet without opening the browser. The Microsoft Edge Search Bar pla...
Microsoftis currently testing the addition of a search bar on the Windows 11 desktop. This is currently only available on build 25120 of the operating system, deployed on the Dev channel. It allows you to search the web or directly access a site without opening your browser first. While W...
根據預設,標題列會將應用程式類型顯示為視窗標題 (例如:「WinUI Desktop」)。 您應該更新視窗標題,以顯示有意義的應用程式顯示名稱。 XAML 應用程式具有Package.appxmanifest檔案中設定的顯示名稱。 您可以取得此值並使用它來設定Title屬性,如下所示。 C#
默认情况下,标题栏将应用类型显示为窗口标题(例如“WinUI Desktop”)。 你应更新窗口标题以显示应用的有意义显示名称。 XAML 应用具有在文件Package.appxmanifest中设置的显示名称。 可以获取此值,并使用它按如下所示设置Title属性。 C# Title = AppInfo.Current.DisplayInfo.DisplayName; ...
Today, we’re launching an experience experiment for sites or Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that are installed as apps on your desktop. This is on by default if you are using Windows 10 version 2004 or newer. If you install the same site or PWA on more than one Edge profile, we’ve in...
Microsoft Word on Apple App Storev Although Word for the Web and Word apps for Mobile phones are free, they are not the best and permanent solution. Because they lack many advanced features, you must pay a subscription cost to get a full-featured Microsoft Word desktop app. Don't worry;...
2Enable Microsoft Edge Desktop Search Bar for All Users This is the default setting. A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go tostep 4below. Enable_Microsoft_Edge_desktop_Search_Bar_for_all_users.reg ...
With the Search box collapsed, you can still access it by selecting search Magnifying glass on the right side of the title bar, or by pressing ALT+Q.
Some People Pane features are turned off because Windows Desktop Search isn't available Note In this configuration, you receive one of the following error messages when you try to perform a search in Outlook: Instant Search is not available when Outloo...