Applies To Select theStartbutton, then go toSettings>Personalization>Lock screen, and selectScreen saver settings. In the Screen Saver Settings window, choose a screen saver from the drop-down list. Change your screen saver settings
Thank you, i've set the 'Minutes of lock screen inactivity until screen saver activates' to 5 but we need it go back to the locked screen after.That doesn't tick 'On resume, display log-on screen' ? any ideas on the best practice to tick this using Intune?
适用于:Windows Server(所有支持的版本)、Windows 客户端(所有支持的版本) 原始KB 数:272304 禁用屏幕保护程序密码 若要使屏幕保护程序密码锁定不可用,请执行以下步骤: 单击“开始”,然后单击“运行”。 键入mmc,然后单击“确定”以启动Microsoft管理控制台(MMC)。 在控制台菜单上,单击“添加/删除管理单元”,然后单...
This component includes various screen savers, such as Logon, Beziers, 3D FlowerBox, Marquee, Mystify, 3D Pipes, Starfield, and 3D Text.Associated ComponentsNo other components interact with this component.SettingsThere are no configurable settings for this component....
Click theScreen Savertab. Click theScreen saverdrop-down list, and selectNews. Click theSettingsbutton to select screensaver options. ClickOKwhen finished. Click thePreviewbutton to test the screensaver. Move the mouse or press any key to stop the screensaver. ...
Quick Launch settings Screen saver selection Sounds settings Regional options My Documents folder My Pictures folder My Videos My Music My Received Files In addition, USMT can be customized to include supplementary elements because it uses files in the XML format as inputs to the migrat...
boolresult = co_await Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(Windows::Foundation::Uri(L"ms-settings:privacy-webcam")); 上面的代码启动相机的隐私设置页: 有关启动 URI 的详细信息,请参阅启动 URI 的默认应用。 ms-settings: URI 方案参考
ActionAppUsageSettings ActionAutoRotateSettings ActionBatterySaverSettings ActionBiometricEnroll ActionBluetoothSettings ActionCaptioningSettings ActionCastSettings ActionChannelNotificationSettings ActionConditionProviderSettings ActionDataRoamingSettings ActionDataUsageSettings ActionDateSettings ActionDeviceInfoSettings ActionDis...
Are you trying to off the the screen saver? Meanwhile, you can follow these steps to turn off your screen saver: Open Settings and Select Personalization. Click Lock screen, scroll down and choose Screen saver settings. Choose None in the drop-down menu. Select Apply. Click OK. Keep us ...
MSS: (ScreenSaverGracePeriod) The time in seconds before the screen saver grace period expires (0 recommended) 0 0 0 0 MSS: (SynAttackProtect) Syn attack protection level (protects against DoS) Not defined Not defined Connections timeout sooner if attack is detected Connections timeout sooner if...