For more information, see "You must have the Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office installed to send documents.". A field may exist on the Word template that isn't in Report Writer. Install all Microsoft Office updates The dynamics.dic may be damaged. Reinstall ...
It is possible to create both PDF and XPS files from the Microsoft 2007 Office System. Also, it enables you to send these files as email directly from each of the eight supported applications.The download works with the following Microsoft Office Programs:Microsoft Office Access 2007 Microsoft Of...
"You must have the Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office to send documents." Cause Various causes, but typically, the install of Microsoft Office wasn't complete. Resolution Review the below to troubleshoot this issue: Run a Repair for Microsoft Office Uninstall/reins...
March 6, 2012, 10:40 am 产品主页 Microsoft 首页 Microsoft 的其他软件 帮助 想成为一个 BetterTester? Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-In 评分明细 这是按 CrossOver 版本划分的评分。最新的版本总是在应用程序的概述页面上使用。点击一个版本来查看提交给它的评分。
1、 打开一个word文档,选择“office菜单”,找到“另存为”下面的“查找其他格式的加载项”,如图;2、这里会弹出一个word帮助界面,在这里选择“安装Publish并将其用作Microsoft的PDF或XPS加载项”,如图 3、根据提示继续点击“访问适用于2007Microsoft Office 程序的"Microsoft Save as PDFor XPS...
It is possible to create both PDF and XPS files from the Microsoft 2007 Office System. Also, it enables you to send these files as email directly from each of the eight supported applications.The download works with the following Microsoft Office Programs:Microsoft Office Access 2007 Microsoft Of...
如果创建了要与没有 Publisher 的其他人共享出版物,可将其保存为 PDF (可移植文档格式) 或 XPS (XML 纸张规范) 文件。 专业印刷机构通常倾向于接收 PDF 文件进行打印。 将出版物保存为 PDF 或 XPS 格式 如果要将出版物保存为易于共享且由许多商业印刷机构使用的格式,请选择"PDF"。 ...
1 第一步:到互联网上搜索Microsoft Save as PDF 或 XPS”插件 2 第二步:到微软官方网站找到Microsoft Save as PDF 或 XPS”插件并下载 3 第三步:下载完成以后,在你下载存储的位置,就会有一个软件,双击开始加载项安装,选择接受协议,点击“继续”按钮。4 第四步:等待系统配置好相应的信息之后,不到一...
Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-In 论坛 这是一个社区论坛而非官方的技术支持。 - 如果您需要官方支持:请 联系我们 Search 以下评论皆归发布者所有,我们不对此负任何责任。 添加话题 话题发布者最后发帖时间帖子 CrossOver 论坛:讨论 Mac 和 Linux 上运行 Windows 应用程序相关的话题的地方 常用链接 首页 ...
This Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office programs supplements and is subject to the license terms for the 2007 Microsoft Office system software. You may not use this supplement if you do not have a license for the software. ...