提示Microsof..之前也是这个错误买了之后一直没玩,看了日志是Error 0x80240017: Failed to execute MSU package,重装了Microsoft Visual C++ 2015之后
[0950:065C][2015-06-15T21:00:42]i201: Planned package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x64, state: Present, default requested: Repair, ba requested: Repair, execute: Repair, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register [0950:065C][2015-06-15T21:00:42]i201: Planned package: vcR...
When installing NI software, I get an error message saying "You must update Windows to install Microsoft KB 2919355, which is a prerequisite for the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Run-Time software. For more information, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info C
Windows 10 通用 C 运行时 Windows 10 通用 C 运行时 (CRT) 是 Windows 操作系统组件。 此页上的 Windows 更新程序包允许 Windows 桌面应用程序(具体取决于 Windows 10 通用 CRT 版本)在 Windows Vista SP2、Windows 7 SP1、Windows 8 和 Windows 8.1 S14 上运行。
这些组件是运行使用 Visual Studio 2015 开发的 C++ 应用程序所必需的,并与 Visual C+ 库动态链接。 这些包可用于在计算机上运行此类应用程序,即使没有安装 Visual Studio 2015。 这些软件包需要安装以下库的运行时组件:C Runtime (CRT)、标准 C++、MFC、C++ AMP 和 OpenMP。
2015 installed. These packages also install run-time components of C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, MFC, C++ AMP, and OpenMP libraries. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable includes bug fixes to the runtime DLLs and also the latest versions forKB 2999226. To find out what's new in ...
2015 installed. These packages also install run-time components of C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, MFC, C++ AMP, and OpenMP libraries. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable includes bug fixes to the runtime DLLs and also the latest versions forKB 2999226. To find out what's new in ...
- Grab Visual C++ Runtime Installer v38a from: https://db.tt/bE1nXYW4 Extract the files from the exe Depending on your system (32-bit, 64-bit) - Run the installers in vcredist_x86_2015 and/or vcredist_x64_2015 - Copy files from vcred...
"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误是 Windows 操作系统中的一种错误提示,通常会在运行某些应用程序时弹出。这种错误提示是由于应用程序运行所需的 Visual C++ 运行库(或称为 VC++ redistributable)未能正确安装、升级或配置所致。以下是一些解决方法:安装或升级 Visual C++ 运行库下载并安装最新版的 ...