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0 answers "We don't support that country code. Use an email instead." I wanted to redeem something in microsoft rewards, except I'm using a different account.. They asked me to put my phone number and I did as it said, but it says that they don't support the country code (+...
Microsoft Rewards Bing Quizzes – Questions and answers of Microsoft Rewards Bing News Quiz, Bing Homepage Quiz, Bing Entertainment Quiz, This or That Quiz, Lightspeed Quiz, Supersonic Quiz, A, B, or C? Quiz, Warpspeed Quiz, Word For Word Quiz, Who Said It? Quiz, True or False Quiz ...
This whitepaper focuses on the desktop version of Microsoft Edge. Parts of the document may include features or experiences that aren't available for all users. This whitepaper also discusses features and services that exist in the product today, but subject to change in the future. Microsoft ...
Current Selections Topic: Data protection Sort by: Newest to oldest Clear selections Sort by Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. ...
2 answers Deployment failed: Bad Request: HTTP request payload failed validation against API specification with one or more errors. Trying to deploy Bing Custom Search and get error. I don't know how to resolve this. Any assistance would be appreciated. Below are details of… ...
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and govern responses to thousands of common requests using a single point of management and a common feedback loop. This process ensures that the articles are accurate and current. It also provides a single repository of answers for employees, eliminates duplication of materials, and reduces cir...
2 answers Unable to deploy Bing Search API I'm unable to create a resource for a bing search api. I keep getting failed deployment message that says "Your account is not approved for this resource. . (Code:… Bing Custom Search Bing Custom Search An easy-to-use, ad-free, commerc...
The actual version 4 was called MS-DOS 4.00, and it’s the source code to this specific version that’s being released as open source today. MS-DOS 4.00 was quickly followed by 4.01 and 4.01a, but apparently OEMs would confusingly still label 4.01 disks as “MS-DOS 4.0”. The whole...