A scoring system is included (but you can also have fun without it) that gives big rewards for target key Elements or unlocking new Realms. You also get a Target Element of the Day ! ONLINE SCORES: Once you feel like bragging, you can post your World Discovery % and score on the ...
IT之家 1 月 4 日消息,据外媒WindowsLatest报道,今天有多名用户反馈自己的Microsoft Rewards奖励账号遭到微软封禁,微软声称这些账号“违反了服务协议”,涉及“使用欺骗性做法来获得奖励积分”。 IT之家注意到,有用户在反馈中心发帖称自己游玩了15分钟PC游戏后打开Xbox Game Pass应用,之后试图领取 Microsoft Rewards奖励,...
Earn rewards with Microsoft. Just by simply doing what you love to do. Sign in or create a Microsoft account and get points for gift cards, sweepstakes, and more.
该事件的潜在影响不仅限于个别用户的封禁,还可能对整个Microsoft Rewards生态系统造成影响。微软在激烈的市场竞争中,需要让用户感受到参与到Rewards项目的价值,尤其是在与竞争对手如任天堂、索尼等的比较中,任何负面消息都可能使得用户对其产品的信任度下降。 根据市场研究公司发布的数据,微软目前在北美的在线游戏平台中占据...
近期,国际媒体纷纷报道了一起涉及Microsoft Rewards奖励系统的事件,众多用户发现自己的账户竟然被微软封禁。据用户反馈,他们在通过Xbox Game Pass应用在PC上玩游戏后,准备领取Mic…
ii. 您可以通过多种方式兑换您的积分(以下简称“兑换选项”),包括用积分兑换兑换页面https://aka.ms/redeemrewards上列出的某些产品和服务(以下简称“奖励”)。您必须先在https://rewards.microsoft.com/或某些其他微软网站和页面的奖励仪表板上激活奖励计划帐户(以下简称“奖励帐户”),然后才有资格用积分兑换任何兑...
Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Programme") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in a participating Region (defined below), you ...
BHN Rewards Bigfish Benefits Bigger Brains eLearning Bigtincan Billy - The Birthday Bot Bipsync Birdview PSA Bites BitFractal Bizfone Blameless Blink Blinktime Blocks Bloomfire KM bNear BoldDesk Bonfyre Booking Room Pro BookWidgets BoringBot BotCast Box BrainBot BrainStorm BravoNow Breakthru Bright ...
Outside of Xbox consoles, titles can choose to allow account linking to support their game experience. If publisher account sign in is enabled within the title, the following rules apply: Publisher Account Sign In Accommodate All Users If a publisher account sign in is required for game ...
m.Microsoft Rewards. i.General Information.Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Program") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in a pa...