PasswordGeneratorEnabled 允许用户在联机创建帐户时获取强密码建议 PrimaryPasswordSetting 配置要求用户在使用密码自动填充时输入其设备密码的设置 PrintingWebpageLayout 设置打印的布局 RemoteDebuggingAllowed 允许远程调试 RelaunchWindow 设置重新启动的时间间隔 TravelAssistanceEnabled 启用旅行协助 TripleDESEnabled 在TLS 中启...
npm install -g generator-jhipster-azure-container-apps You can run create the project with: jhipster-azure-container-apps 🚀Deploy the project 💚Terraform Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool that allows you to build, modify, and version cloud and on-premises resources securely...
用户成功兑换使用 Rewards 付款的礼品卡后,其礼品卡 (日期、卡号/pin、兑换状态) 兑换的相关信息将添加到兑换历史记录中。 此信息位于电子钱包中心。 管理员可以使用 EdgeWalletCheckoutEnabled 策略控制此功能的可用性。 注意: 此功能是受控功能推出。 如果未看到此功能,请在继续推出时回来查看。 密码监视器策略更新...
rewardsOrVoucherApplied boolean リワードまたはバウチャーが注文に適用されたかどうかを示す True/False 値。 totalRewardsApplied totalRewardsApplied integer 注文に適用されたリワードの合計。 totalFees totalFees double 注文に適用される合計料金。 purchaserProfileType purchaserProfileType string 顧...
As soon as the electric power grid came online, they dumped their electric power generator, and they started buying power off the grid. It just makes more sense. And that’s what is starting to happen with infrastructure computing.Footnote 100 6.3 AOL One of the key contributions enabling ...
PasswordGeneratorEnabled 允许用户在联机创建帐户时获取强密码建议 PrimaryPasswordSetting 配置要求用户在使用密码自动填充时输入其设备密码的设置 PrintingWebpageLayout 设置打印的布局 RemoteDebuggingAllowed 允许远程调试 RelaunchWindow 设置重新启动的时间间隔 TravelAssistanceEnabled 启用旅行协助 TripleDESEnabled 在TLS 中启...
AI theme generator. Microsoft Edge includes an AI theme generator that allows users to input a text string and generate a series of images to preview as browser themes. Applying the theme includes setting the generated image on the Edge new tab page and applying the image's dominant color to...
Once linked, users can earn Microsoft Rewards points for Microsoft Bing searches done in their browser or Windows search box while signed in with their work or school account. For more information, see the Account Linking FAQ and the Account Linking IT Admins FAQ. Tenant admins can also ...
rewardsOrVoucherApplied boolean A True/False value indicating whether rewards or vouchers were applied to the order. totalRewardsApplied totalRewardsApplied integer The total rewards which were applied to the order. totalFees totalFees double The total fees applied to the order. purchaserProfil...
Route generation can be centralized (e.g., one device/machine is appointed to generate and distribute the route), completely distributed (e.g., each capable machine tries to generate the route), semi-distributed (e.g., there is an appointed master route generator, which is automatically ...