PasswordGeneratorEnabled 允许用户在联机创建帐户时获取强密码建议 PrimaryPasswordSetting 配置要求用户在使用密码自动填充时输入其设备密码的设置 PrintingWebpageLayout 设置打印的布局 RemoteDebuggingAllowed 允许远程调试 RelaunchWindow 设置重新启动的时间间隔 TravelAssistanceEnabled 启用旅行协助 TripleDESEnabled 在TLS 中启...
PasswordGeneratorEnabled 사용자가 온라인으로 계정을 만들 때마다 강력한 암호 제안을 받을 수 있도록 허용 PasswordManagerBlocklist 암호 관리자 UI(저장 및 채우기)가 비활성화될 도메인 목록을 구성...
QRCodeGeneratorEnabled 啟用QR 程式代碼產生器 QuicAllowed 允許QUIC 通訊協定 QuickSearchShowMiniMenu 啟用Microsoft Edge 迷你功能表 QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 中管理 QuickView Office 檔案功能 RSAKeyUsageForLocalAnchorsEnabled 檢查本機信任錨點核發之伺服器證書的 RSA 金鑰使用方式, (已淘汰) ...
Possible values are 'None' , 'CashBack' , 'Discount' , 'FreeTrial' , 'BonusPoints' , 'Gift' , 'Unknown', 'Other'. incentiveOffer incentiveOffer string The exact incentive offer name. Examples: $5 off on first order, free shipping, 5000 points. campaignStartDate campaignStartDate date-...
Educators can go into the Assignments module in Teams for Education, choose the Create button, and then Learning Accelerators -> Math Progress. Saves educators' time Educators can use an intelligent question generator to create a robust set of relevant math problems which include some answers as ...
npm install -g generator-jhipster-azure-container-apps You can run create the project with: jhipster-azure-container-apps 🚀Deploy the project 💚Terraform Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool that allows you to build, modify, and version cloud and on-premises resources securely...
microsoft-rewardsmicrosoft-rewards-farmermicrosoft-rewards-free-points-hackmicrosoft-rewards-free-points-generatormicrosoft-rewards-auto-botmicrosoft-rewards-autofarm UpdatedJul 19, 2024 An automated solution for earning daily Microsoft Rewards points using Python and Playwright. ...
Step 11: Add Goals and RewardsFor this mission we might decide that there are two goals, one for the user to enter the proximity trigger box and land on the painted runway number, and the second for a correct landing (coming to a complete stop)....
PasswordGeneratorEnabled Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online PasswordManagerBlocklist Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled PasswordManagerEnabled Enable saving passwords to the...
speed up image generation. Each boost allows for faster processing of your image prompts. If you run out of boosts, you can still create images, but the generation process will take longer. To continue enjoying faster image creation, you can redeem Microsoft Rewards points for additional boosts...