在油猴脚本上更新代码,或者是重新安装就可以了。 这次同步更新了 PC端油猴脚本和手机端的油猴脚本 脚本地址: 大家在Greasy Fork上搜索“Microsoft Bing Rewards每日任务脚本”就可以了。 如果你还不知道怎么用这个脚本,请看这个教程。 保姆式教程教你怎么用Microsoft Rewards任务脚本...
置顶Microsoft Bing Rewards任务脚本V2.0.0版本更新 2024-06-10 17:44 怀沙2049 PC端在安装了油猴脚本的情况下访问地址直接安装,移动端使用Via浏览器打开脚本地址可以直接安装。 PC端地址:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/477107 移动端地址:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/480355 ...
I am citizen of INDIA and want to ask why Microsoft rewards is not made available in this region when Microsoft pc is available here . please make ms rewards avaivlable here as well Thnaks Uday14my friend, just use any vpn and set country to us/uk/australia and do ur thing that's ...
Microsoft Rewards ("Belønningsprogrammet") er gratis at deltage i, og det giver Dem mulighed for optjene point ("Point") for visse aktiviteter og for personlig brug af bestemte Microsoft-produkter og -tjenester. Hvis De har en Microsoft-konto og er bosiddende i et deltagende Områd...
Deelname aan Microsoft Rewards (het "Rewards-programma") is gratis en stelt u in staat punten te verdienen ("Punten") voor bepaalde activiteiten en voor persoonlijk gebruik van bepaalde Microsoft-producten en -diensten. Als u een Microsoft-account hebt en zich bevindt in een deelnemende ...
A scoring system is included (but you can also have fun without it) that gives big rewards for target key Elements or unlocking new Realms. You also get a Target Element of the Day ! ONLINE SCORES: Once you feel like bragging, you can post your World Discovery % and score on the ...
Titles must associate progress, saved state, preferences, achievements, and other rewards with the user(s) who have recorded that progress, chosen the preferences, or earned the rewards. Titles accomplish this by properly handling user-change notifications. Titles must avoid saving state for users ...
AppSource Visual Studio Altro Microsoft Rewards Download gratuiti e sicurezza Formazione Carte regalo Licensing Visualizza mappa del sito Cerca Mostra l'input della ricerca Nessun risultato Annulla Home page Prezzi di Azure Prezzi di Indirizzi IP Prezzi di Indirizzi IP ...
potrebbero essere necessarie da zero a più chiamate HTTP per l'invio di ricompense all'intelligenza artificiale. La funzionalità della modalità apprendista è disponibile senza costi aggiuntivi durante l'anteprima. Il prezzo verrà aggiornato quando la modalità apprendista sarà disponibile a...