使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your...
Vantage Rewards 掘り出し物技術 ✓ ヴィー バイ ヴィシエ Visier ソリューション ✓ Velocity PEAKUP ✓ Vendict Vendict ✓ ベンダー オンボード Autopilot ワークフロー ソリューション ✓ Verbum OneMeta Inc ✓ Verdocs Verdocs、LLC ✓ ヴェルカダ ゲスト Verkada ...
Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Programme") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in a participating Region (defined below), you ...
Microsoft reward is not available in India yet. Why is it so? By when will it be available to Indians? I use chromium-based Edge and bing search and still no rewards!! Like 8 Reply EricStarkerMar 10, 2020 Thanks HotCakeX! AdithyaRU I'm moving your message to the Bing area which is...
自适应卡片中的键入头搜索功能在组件上Input.ChoiceSet提供了增强的搜索体验。 它提供用于在搜索字段中输入文本的选项列表。 可以将类型头搜索与自适应卡片合并,以搜索和选择数据。 可以使用类型头搜索进行以下搜索: 静态搜索 动态搜索 静态类型头搜索 静态类型头搜索允许用户从自适应卡片有效负载中指定的Input.ChoiceSet...
{"title":"India","value":"india"} ],"valueChangedAction": {"type":"Action.ResetInputs","targetInputIds": ["city"] },"isRequired":true,"errorMessage":"Please select a country or region"}, {"style":"filtered","choices.data": {"type":"Data.Query","dataset":"cities","associate...
rewardsOrVoucherApplied boolean A True/False value indicating whether rewards or vouchers were applied to the order. totalRewardsApplied totalRewardsApplied integer The total rewards which were applied to the order. totalFees totalFees double The total fees applied to the order. purchaserProfil...
(LLMs) like GPT-4 for feedback and data augmentation, or directly as teachers for solving the task. To enable this paradigm, we are developing scalable RL-based algorithms for optimizing a model under non-differentiable rewards (based on LLMs or other task-specific constraints). Empirically, ...
U niet alles in de kop van een verkoopofferte wijzigen voordat u een regel in de verkoopofferte in Service Pack 1 voor Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 met de installedBUG van India lokalisatie laag maken #: 25804 (AXSE) 2521855 U kunt ee...