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l. Microsoft Rewards. i. General Information. Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Program") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in ...
Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Programme") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in a participating Region (defined below), you ...
Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Programme") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in a participating Region (defined below), you ...
Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Programme") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in a participating Region (defined below), you ...
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Cognitive Services - HTTP 要求 Ratelimitratelimit キーの現在の ratelimit。 Azure OpenAI サービスには を使用しないでください。 Ratelimit Count 合計 Region, RatelimitKey PT1M Yes 報酬 Average Reward Per Event (イベントあたりの平均報酬)イベントあたりの平均報酬。 Reward...
RewardsOrVoucherApplied 旅行 布尔 一个True/False 值,该值指示奖励或凭证是否应用于订单。 TotalRewardsApplied 旅行 int32 应用于订单的总奖励。 TotalFees 旅行 十进制 应用于订单的总费用。 PassengerCount 旅行 Int32 乘客总数。 NumberOfStops 旅行 Int32 航班的停站或下车次数。 PurchaserProfileType 旅行 字符...
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