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Microsoft Rewards m. Microsoft Rewards. i. Informations Générales. L'adhésion au programme Microsoft Rewards (le « Programme Rewards ») est gratuite et vous permet de gagner des points (« Points ») pour certaines activités et pour une utilisation personnelle de certains produits et...
Deelname aan Microsoft Rewards (het "Rewards-programma") is gratis en stelt u in staat punten te verdienen ("Punten") voor bepaalde activiteiten en voor persoonlijk gebruik van bepaalde Microsoft-producten en -diensten. Als u een Microsoft-account hebt en zich bevindt in een deelnemende ...
l. Microsoft Rewards. i. General Information. Microsoft Rewards (the "Rewards Program") is free to join, and it enables you to earn points ("Points") for certain activities and for personal use of certain Microsoft products and services. If you have a Microsoft account and are located in ...
rewardsOrVoucherApplied boolean リワードまたはバウチャーが注文に適用されたかどうかを示す True/False 値。 totalRewardsApplied totalRewardsApplied integer 注文に適用されたリワードの合計。 totalFees totalFees double 注文に適用される合計料金。 purchaserProfileType purchaserProfileType string 顧...
iii. Certain restrictions and limitations apply to earning, redeeming, and other uses of Points in the Rewards Program. For more information see the Rewards section at ("FAQ"). iv. Requirements. You need a valid Microsoft account and you must reside in one of ...
rewardsOrVoucherApplied boolean A True/False value indicating whether rewards or vouchers were applied to the order. totalRewardsApplied totalRewardsApplied integer The total rewards which were applied to the order. totalFees totalFees double The total fees applied to the order. purchaserProfil...
SimplyCodes has a simple mission — to deliver the best coupons wherever you shop. Download our browser extension to get working discount codes and universal cash-back rewards whenever you shop. WHAT’S NEW? We’ve enhanced the Codes Tab to display new code and deal types, giving you...
airlineCodes (optional) Comma separated list of airline codes that can use this parking spot. This text should match the strings entered for the atc_parking_codes entry in the aircraft configuration file. To maintain compatibility, the ICAO names for airlines should be used. pushBack The behaviou...
Device ID device_codes.device_id string The unique id of the device that used this code. Populated when the device is paired. Status Changed At device_codes.status_changed_at string When this DeviceCode's status was last changed. Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. List gift card activities (Bet...