Remote Microsoft Jobs (Hiring Now, Dec 2024): Find the best work from home or hybrid full & part-time jobs. Discover a better job search with FlexJobs!
Microsoft 365 continues to experience incredible growth as the company focuses on its productivity cloud strategy and enabling secure remote work for its customers. As part of Microsoft Engineering, The FastTrack team has a primary role driving this strategy a... See details Senior Threat Intelligence...
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Remote Indicator RemoteIndicator boolean Indicates if the job is remote. Location Name LocationName string Location name for the job. Radius Radius integer Radius for location-based search. Relocation Indicator RelocationIndicator boolean Indicates if the job offers relocation. Travel Percentage Trave...
RemoteJob - 命令和文稿會在遠程會話中執行。 BackgroundJob - 命令和文稿會在本機計算機上的個別進程中執行。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Jobs。 PSTaskJob 或ThreadJob - 命令和文稿會在本機計算機上相同進程的個別線程中執行。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Thread_Jobs。
Employment details. Your job title/position, office location and/or remote working location, employment contract, offer letter, hire date, termination date, performance history and disciplinary records, training records, leave of absence, sick time, and vacation/holiday records. ...
Remote Area Surcharge shipments.rates.remote_area_surcharge integer The remote area surcharge. Oversized Surcharge shipments.rates.oversized_surcharge integer The oversized surcharge. Additional Services Surcharge shipments.rates.additional_services_surcharge integer The additional services surcharge. Resid...
The success of this remote provision of healthcare has led the Trust to roll this out across the network and use the technology in other fields. Also, neonatal and maternity units across the UK are using a service called BadgerNet that enables midwives to record notes on mate...