第2步:打开软件,在mac上配置PC链接 选择add PC,然后进行如下设置: 选择add a user account,添加windows账户 Microsoft Remote Desktop远程控制Windows机器时,User account设置分两种情况 如果目标电脑没有登录微软账户: Username:你的机器名和用户名,即PCName\UserName,通过在windows cmd中输入 whoami 可以查看到 Passwo...
当前我使用的两台电脑版本是Windows:win10 专业版 1903,Mac:MacbookAir 10.15.3 安装Microsoft-Remote-Desktop-For-Mac 自行百度去下载就行 连接Windows 首先在 Windows 上需要开启远程桌面连接,允许远程连接到此计算机。如图,打开此电脑—远程设置—选择允许远程连接到此计算机。可能会提示电源选项,先确定应用一会儿再...
Microsoft Remote Desktop是一款由微软公司开发的远程桌面连接软件。它可以让用户在不同的设备上,比如Mac电脑、iOS和Android设备,通过互联网远程访问运行Windows操作系统的电脑,并实现远程控制和管理。使用Microsoft Remote Desktop,用户可以方便地在任何地方使用远程电脑,进行工作或娱乐。该软件具有易于使用、安全性高、高...
"We couldn't connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled. Error code: 0x204" Problem is my Mac (OS 10.14) can't connect to PC at work (Win 10 Pro). The VPN establishes thou. I connect via VPN (Son...
Mac上一款微软远程..Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac正式版是一款用于macOS系统的微软远程桌面软件,可以帮你快速连接windows桌面,windows服务器。使用Microsoft Re
Microsoft Remote Desktop mac版是Macos上一款微软远程连接软件,Remote Desktop下载可以通过Mac电脑进行远程管理Windows平台的程序访问与文件管理等操作,十分好用。在Microsoft Remote Desktop客户端中使用RemoteFX体验Windows的强大功能,旨在帮助您在任何地方完成工作。软件获取:https://www.macw.com/mac/1879.html?id=ODE...
Hello guys, I am trying to remote access my work computer via my macbook which is brand new and running the newest firmware. I keep getting "We couldnt connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled" ERROR CODE...
mac m1能用Mi..mac有些东西用不了,想用mac远程操作windows电脑,网上查可以用微软开发的Microsoft Remote Desktop,昨天按教程下载了一个,打开软件不显示软件界面?不知道问题出在哪里?想
"Remote Desktop Beta for Mac on new 14\" MacBook Pro","id":"message:2923516","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":14,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1206075"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Idea:board:AzureVirtualDesktop"},"conversation":{"...
I've been using MRD on my Macbook Pro (macOS Mojave 10.14.6) since yesterday. Now i am unable to connect. "Unable to Connect We couldn't connect to the remote PC because the PC can't be found. Please provide the fully-qualified name or the IP address of the remote PC, and th...