快速助手通过端口 443 (https) 进行通信,并使用远程桌面协议 (RDP) 连接到远程协助服务https://remoteassistance.support.services.microsoft.com。 流量使用 TLS 1.2 进行加密。 帮助者和共享者都必须能够通过端口 443 访问这些终结点: 域/名称说明 *.aria.microsoft.com可访问的富 Internet 应用程序 (ARIA) 服务...
Remote Assistance lets someone you trust take over your Windows 10 PC and fix a problem from wherever they are.
将 远程帮助 的主终结点从https://remoteassistance.support.services.microsoft.com更改为https://remotehelp.microsoft.com。 备注 这可能会导致某些组织在 2024 年 5 月 30 日之后不允许 remotehelp.microsoft.com 防火墙发生中断性变更。 解决了各种 bug,包括条件访问问题。 如果租户为Office 365启用了使用条款策略...
已將 遠端說明 的主要端點從 https://remoteassistance.support.services.microsoft.comhttps://remotehelp.microsoft.com變更為 。 備註 這可能會導致某些組織在 2024/5/30 之後,尚未允許 remotehelp.microsoft.com 通過其防火牆的重大變更。 已解決各種錯誤,包括條件式存取的問題。 如果租用戶已針對 Office 365 ...
simple remote support tool is egregious. This functionality should be included as a baseline capability to intune. Other users have mentioned quick assist, before that we had the old 'offer remote assistance' tool. This feature should be free and part of the ...
You use Windows Remote Assistance to connect to another computer by using the MSRA /Offerra command in theStart Searchbox. You see the following Server Authentication Identity Warning, and you clickYesto establish the connection: The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Do you want...
When considering solutions for enterprise, there are important questions that must be asked of existing tools and processes for remote assistance through pc-to-pc connections. Is it secure? While the technical security configurations of a support tool may be sound, there's...
通过Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance-Exe 组件,有计算机问题的用户能够从其他位置的另一个用户那里获得帮助。 提供帮助的可以是朋友或专业支持人员。 在企业环境,帮助人员通常是获得公司 IT 支持人员帮助的员工。 在家庭环境中,用户通常从作为超级用户且位于远程的朋友或家庭成员处获得帮助。
The Rendezvous API provides communication between an instant messaging (IM) application, such as Live Messenger, and two-person interactive applications, such as Windows Remote Assistance.
You can now initiate Remote Assistance requests:Open the Help and Support Services Center, click Tools, and click Offer Remote Assistance. In the dialog box, enter the user's machine name as shown in Figure 12 below. Choose a user session if there is more than one. Figure 12: Offering ...