体验Microsoft Windows 11 的最新功能。了解最新的 Windows 操作系统如何为你提供更多工作、娱乐和创作方式。
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
确保已启用篡改保护 - 在 Windows 10 和 11 中,我们有一个名为“篡改保护”的功能,可防止未经授权的应用更改安全设置。 许多病毒和恶意软件在安装时尝试禁用反恶意软件或其他安全设置,以逃避检测。 有关如何确认它已打开的信息,请参阅使用 Tamper Protection 防止对安全设置的更改。 如何卸载防病毒或反间谍软件程序...
SecurityWindows 10Windows 11 Windows 10 and 11 include Windows Security, which provides the latest antivirus protection. Your device will be actively protected from the moment you start Windows. Windows Security continually scans for malware (malicious software), viruses, and security threats...
Microsoft Defender will now be disabled, which you can verify in the Windows Security app, as settings for virus and threat protection won't load properly. Disable Microsoft Defender with the Registry Editor Another route for disabling Microsoft Defender on Windows 11 is using the Registry Editor,...
Windows 11 操作系统面临安全威胁的猛击,从恶意软件和攻击到未经授权的访问和特权提升。 Windows 11是迄今为止最安全的 Windows,具有强大的操作系统安全措施,可帮助保护设备、标识和数据的安全。 防御措施包括受信任的启动过程、加密层、网络安全层以及病毒和威胁防护。 这些全面的安全功能可确保Windows 11提供针对新式网络...
SecurityWindows 10Windows 11 Windows 10 and 11 include Windows Security, which provides the latest antivirus protection. Your device will be actively protected from the moment you start Windows. Windows Security continually scans for mal...
Windows 11中包含的新 Outlook 应用支持各种类型的电子邮件加密,包括Microsoft Purview 邮件加密、S/MIME 和信息权限管理 (IRM) 。 使用安全/多用途 Internet 邮件扩展 (S/MIME) 时,用户可以向其组织内的人员和具有适当加密证书的外部联系人发送加密邮件。 如果收件人具有相应的解密密钥,则只能读取加密邮件。 如果向...
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable real-time protection for Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft Defender Antivirus is an antivirus software that is included in Windows 10/11 and can help protect your device from viruses, malware...
Windows client Application developers Hardware developers Windows Server Windows for IoT Windows Insider Program Windows 365 Search Windows 11 Security Book 1. Hardware security 2. Operating system security 3. Application security 4. Identity protection Overview Passwordless sign-in Advanced ...