ListTemplates モジュール NavBars ServerEmailFooter| 親要素 None Occurrences 最小: 0 最大: 1 例 次の例は、標準の SharePoint Foundation サイト定義 (STS)のOnet.xml ファイルの開始行を示しています。 XML コピー <Project Title="$Resources:onet_TeamWebSite;" Revision="2" ListDir="$Resou...
Microsoft Project is project management software that’s used to create schedules, project plans, manage resources and keep track of time. It has featuressuch as Gantt charts, kanban boards and project calendars for project management professionals. Microsoft Project is also known by other names such...
已访问项目主页 ProjectListAccessed 用户会查询项目和/或路线图的列表。 访问路线图 RoadmapAccessed 路线图或项目组合由用户或应用读取。 访问的路线图项 RoadmapItemAccessed 路线图或项目组合项由用户或应用读取。 已访问的任务 TaskAccessed 任务由用户或应用读取。 更新了项目设置 ProjectForTheWebProjectSettings 项...
<Project AlternateCSS = "Text" AlternateHeader = "Text" AlternateUrl = "Text" CustomJSUrl = "Text" DisableWebDesignFeatures = "Text" ListDir = "Text" Revision = "Integer" SiteLogoUrl = "Text" SiteLogoDescription = "Text" Title = "Text" UIVersion = "Integer"> </Project> ...
面向团队成员的问题和风险管理 ():Project Online 和 Project Server 2013 包括用于预防、识别和缓解与业务或项目相关的潜在风险和问题的功能。 Office 365 信任中心:你的数据是你的。 我们负责保护你的数据和隐私安全。 PPM 合作伙伴生态系统:Microsoft PPM 解决方案由数百个Microsoft合作伙伴提供支持,他们已获得 PPM...
The following linked tables list the major Microsoft Project features available across plans. Project for the web features Project Online features Project Online desktop client features Learn more For more information or service considerations about Microsoft Project, check out the following resources: ...
ListTemplates 模块 导航栏 ServerEmailFooter|父元素无出现次数最小值:0 最大值:1示例以下示例显示了标准 SharePoint Foundation 网站定义 (STS) 的Onet.xml文件的开头行。XML 复制 <Project Title="$Resources:onet_TeamWebSite;" Revision="2" ListDir="$Resources:core,lists_Folder;" xmlns:ows="Microsoft...
This will add the PreEmptive Analytics node under the Team Project in Team Explorer. Instrument Your Application There are two choices when it comes to adding instrumentation to an application: Modify the source to reference PreEmptive.Attributes.dll and add the appropriate attributes to the source...
Project managers can use Microsoft Project Professional to create and edit project plans. The integration of Microsoft Project Professional with Microsoft Project Server ensures that project managers can easily access resources from the list of enterprise resources and provide information required by an org...
Examples.ExamplesListDefinitionStages.WithAppId Examples.ExamplesListDefinitionStages.WithExecute Examples.ExamplesListDefinitionStages.WithVersionId Features Features.FeaturesListDefinition Features.FeaturesListDefinitionStages Features.FeaturesListDefinitionStages.WithAllOptions Features.FeaturesListDef...