Progress bar controls indicate the progress of a lengthy operation such as downloading a file from the Internet. Usually the progress is expressed as a percentage from zero (0) to one hundred (100). The window class name for a progress bar control is PROGRESS_CLASS, which is defined as "m...
Progress bar controls indicate the progress of a lengthy operation such as downloading a file from the Internet. Usually the progress is expressed as a percentage from zero (0) to one hundred (100). The window class name for a progress bar control is PROGRESS_CLASS, which is defined as "...
ProgressBar Control Overview Introduces the general concepts of theProgressBarcontrol, which enables you to graphically display the progress of an operation. How to: Set the Value Displayed by the Windows Forms ProgressBar Control Discusses a number of different ways to increase the value displayed ...
This topic provides information about Microsoft UI Automation support for the ProgressBar control type.
System.Windows.Controls.Control System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.RangeBase System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar Namespace: System.Windows.Controls Assembly: System.Windows (in System.Windows.dll) Syntax C# Copy [TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "ProgressBarIndicator", Type = typeof(FrameworkElement))] [Tem...
publicstaticreadonlySystem.Windows.Automation.ControlType ProgressBar; 妝扶忘折快扶我快 扭抉抖攸 ControlType 妤把我技快扶攸快找扼攸 抗 妤把抉忱批抗找圾快把扼我我 .NET Framework3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 ...
ProgressBarArray.GetControlInstanceType 方法参考 反馈 定义命名空间: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6 程序集: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll 重写GetControlInstanceType()。 C# 复制 protected override Type GetControlInstanceType (); 返回 Type 控件数组中控件的类型。 注...
Use a ProgressBar control to show users how long an operation will take. This allows them to decide whether to wait for the operation to complete or to cancel it.Use the “completion” of a ProgressBar control to instruct the system to begin another operation or prompt the user to action...
- .NET Framework 4.8 では、Label、GroupBox、ToolStrip、ToolStripItems、StatusStrip、StatusStripItems、PropertyGrid、ProgressBar、ComboBox、MenuStrip、MenuItems、DataGridView のコントロールに対して Control.AccessibleName、Control.AccessibleRole、Control.AccessibleDescription の各プロパティが機能しなくなると...
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