无法完全卸载或更新现有程序。 无法通过“控制面板”中的“添加或删除程序(或程序和功能)”卸载程序。 如果你要删除恶意软件,可使用Windows 安全(或其他防病毒工具),也可使用Windows 恶意软件删除工具。 运行在 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7...
Windows 11Windows 10 如果某些应用和程序未正常运行,则你可以修复它们。 请注意,你不会看到适用于所有应用和程序的修复、更改或修改选项。 “设置”页面中的修复选项 选择"开始>设置">>应用>应用和功能。 “设置”中的“应用和功能” 选择要修复的应用旁边的“更多”图标。
In this post, we will talk about a free tool that helps tofix Microsoft Store and apps related problemsinWindows 11/10. It is a portable tool namedMS Store & Apps Repair Tool. It lets you clear the Microsoft Store, access the WindowsApps folder and backup its permissions, re-install Mic...
desktop10:TypeSupported 指定支援的事件記錄檔類型。 裝置 宣告與 DeviceCapability相關聯之裝置的函式。 在 Windows 10.0.10240.0 上,DeviceCapability 最多可以包含 100 個 裝置 元素。 在 Windows 10.0.10586.0 上,最多可以包含 1000 個 (如需詳細資訊,請參閱 DeviceCapability)。 DeviceCapability 宣...
Download the tool for Windows 10. To run the tool, select the appropriate link above. Your web browser will prompt you to save or open the file. Selectopenand the tool will automatically start. The tool will walk you through analyzing and fixing some common problems. ...
所有其他安裝:%Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\<INSTANCEDIR>\<ASInstanceID>\OLAP\Backup Analysis Services /ASCOLLATION選擇性 指定Analysis Services 的定序設定。預設值:Latin1_General_CI_AS附註:僅支援 Windows 定序。 使用 SQL 定序可能會導致非預期的行為。 Analysis Services /ASCONFIGDIR選擇性 指定...
Supports all performance log formats, including Windows NT 4.0 compressed logs. REM Records comments (remarks) in batch files or CONFIG.SYS. REN Renames a file or files. RENAME Renames a file or files. REPAIR-BDE BitLocker Drive Encryption: Repair Tool version 10.0.10011 REPLACE Replaces ...
DISM Tool Doesn't Work With Windows 10 Professional Creator's Update DISM, Error: 13 The data is invalid. Display Language Won't Change display supported modes Displaying the disk free space with Diskpart Does anyone know how to BLOCK Windows 10 from auto activating? Does windows 10 pro 64...
LTSC upgrade to Enterprise edition, image upgrade is the only method, Windows Assistant can’t work on this scenario.You need to get an Windows 10 Enterprise 2004 iso to make it, this image can be downloaded from VLSC or other place, but cannot be downloaded from Media Creation tool....
I turned my Asus laptop off at night, didn't move it, went to turn it on in the morning and got this message on a blue screen. Press "advanced options" to try other options to repair your PC or "shut down" to turn off your PC. Log file:C:\\...