An overview of .NET Uninstall Tool. This tool is a guided command-line tool that removes .NET SDKs and runtimes. Fix .NET Framework 'This application could not be started' - .NET Framework Learn what to do if you see a 'This application could not be started' dialog box when runn...
uninstall软件 卸载软件 微软程序安装与卸载工具是一款由微软官方打造的检测微软系统电脑软件安装、卸载程序的工具,主要解决无法安装以及卸载残余问题,欢迎感兴趣的朋友来IT猫扑网下载体验。 官方介绍 Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall是微软官方推出的一款系统自动诊断系统,在它的帮助下你可以轻松修复普通的系统故障,...
Prevx: Prevx2.0 Removal Tool (and Prevx1): Spybot Search and Destroy: How to uninstall: TrendMicro: How to uninstall my Trend Micro program using the Trend Micro Diagnostic To...
Prevx: Prevx2.0 Removal Tool (and Prevx1): Spybot Search and Destroy: How to uninstall: TrendMicro: How to uninstall my Trend Micro program using the Trend Micro Diagnostic Toolkit:http://esupport...
After you install the Office Uninstall Tool on Windows 10/11, the Uninstall Office products window should open. In this window, you can select which version of Office you want to uninstall and click Next. Follow the on-screen instructions to completely remove Office from your computer. If the...
The Windows Installer CleanUp utility deletes all files and registry settings associated with a program's Windows Installer configuration. It's important to note that the tool does not remove the program's actual installation files or registry settings. Nor does the tool replace or supersede the ...
See how to install and uninstall Windows services. If you're developing a Windows service with .NET, you can use InstallUtil.exe or PowerShell.
找出Visual Studio 14.0 安裝資料夾。 根據預設,會安裝於此資料夾:%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0。 在Visual Studio 的根資料夾中,找到 Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\WebClient\Diagnostics\ToolWindows 子資料夾並刪除 WebSocket4Net.dll。協力廠商資訊免責聲明...
%program files%\Microsoft Agent Framework\Agent Framework\afsetup.exe /uninstall Agent Framework The ACT 5.5 Agent Framework provides a structure for gathering data from a large collection of computers in an enterprise. A design goal of agents is to be unnoticed and suitable for deployment into ...
and Windows. It comes with an AutoKMS feature where it automatically checks the current version of your software, and if any action is required, this toolkit performs it without human intervention. You can also use this tool to uninstall the product key of software. It is very useful in ...