Step 10. Plan for High Availability and Fault Tolerance Step 11. Plan for Database Storage Step 12. Plan for Compliance and Usage Analysis Appendix A: Implementing in a QoS Environment Appendix B: Disabling IPSec Introduction to the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Enterprise Voice Plannin...
From Access, clickNew>Blank desktop database. Type a name for your database in theFile Namebox. You can either use the default location that Access shows below theFile Namebox or click the folder icon to pick one. ClickCreate. Add a table ...
If one of these templates fits your needs, using it is usually the fastest way to get a database started. However, if you have data in another program that you want to import into Access, you might decide it is better to create a database without using a template. Templates have a da...
指定CREATE DATABASE <database_name>语句而不带其他大小参数时,主数据文件与model数据库中的主文件具有相同的大小。 除非指定了FOR ATTACH,否则每个新数据库都从model数据库继承数据库选项设置。 例如,在数据库和任何新建数据库中,数据库选项 auto shrink 都设置为 true。 如果更改了model数据库中的选项,则这些新...
如果代码调用 Server.RollbackTransaction(),建议对作为事务一部分修改的任何表格数据库执行完全同步 [Database.Refresh(true)] 调用。从版本 19.77.0 开始,当使用表格对象模型 (TOM) 克隆或复制 MetadataObject 到另一个 MetadataObject 实例时,TOM 将为在 MetadataObject 的直接子对象树之外交叉引用对象的属性返回 ...
A program database (PDB) file holds debugging and project state information that allows incremental linking of a Debug configuration of your program. A PDB file is created when you build with/ZI or /Zi(for C/C++). In Visual C++, the/Fdoption names the PDB file created by the compiler....
Go to the location in which DEA is installed (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Corporation\Database Experimentation Assistant). Open and modify the .config filesDEA.exe.config(for the application) andDEACmd.exe.config(for the CLI) to address your scenario as appropriate: ...
-lmaster_log_pathmaster数据库日志文件的完全限定路径(通常为 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\MSSQL\Data\mastlog.ldf)。 如果没有提供此选项,则使用现有的注册表参数。 其他启动选项 展开表 选项说明 -c缩短从命令提示符启动 SQL Server 时的启动时间。 通常, SQL Server 数...
For more information on theNAMEandFILENAMEargument, seeALTER DATABASE File and Filegroup Options (Transact-SQL). Tip SQL Server data and log files can be put on either FAT or NTFS file systems. On Windows systems, Microsoft recommends using the NTFS file system because the security aspects of...
Develop desktop or mobile database apps and hybrid solutions for Access. Use Dataverse connector for Power Platform to integrate with Azure cloud-based storage.