Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for customizing Windows. Utilities include ColorPicker, FancyZones, File Explorer Add-ons, Image Resizer, Keyboard Manager, PowerRename, PowerToys Run, a Shortcut Guide and more to come.
.NET 9.0.1修复了WPF中的许多问题,改善了Powertoys运行的稳定性。 一般的 为Windows App SDK应用程序标题栏应用了一个解决方法,该标题栏覆盖了,该栏正在导致重音颜色未显示在Windows 10上的应用程序栏上。谢谢@pingzing! 改进了“管理应用程序运行”通知检查逻辑,以减少对资源的要求。谢谢@DavideGiaCometti!
Download Microsoft PowerToys [NL] 下载Microsoft PowerToys [ZH] Unduh Microsoft PowerToys [ID] Télécharger Microsoft PowerToys [FR] Microsoft PowerToys herunterladen [DE] Ladda ner Microsoft PowerToys [SV]App specs License Free Version 0.88.0 Platform Windows OS Windows 11 Language English Downloads...
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experiences for greater productivity. For more info on PowerToys overviews and guides, or any other tools and resources for Windows development environments, h
PowerToys Run Mithilfe von PowerToys Run können Sie Ihre App im Handumdrehen suchen und öffnen. Verwenden Sie zum Öffnen die Tastenkombination ALT+LEER, und beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe. Es ist Open Source und modular und unterstützt zusätzliche Plug-Ins. Quick Accent "Schnellakzent...
PowerToys RunPowerToys Run può aiutare a cercare e aprire immediatamente la propria app. Per aprirla, usare la scelta rapida da tastiera Alt+Spazio e iniziare a digitare. È open source e modulare, supportando plug-in aggiuntivi.
PowerToys RunPowerToys Run può aiutare a cercare e aprire immediatamente la propria app. Per aprirla, usare la scelta rapida da tastiera Alt+Spazio e iniziare a digitare. È open source e modulare, supportando plug-in aggiuntivi.
.Net 9.0.1 fixed many issue in WPF, improving stability for PowerToys Run. General Applied a workaround for the Windows App SDK applications title bar override that was causing accent color to not be shown on the top bar of applications on Windows 10. Thanks@pingzing!
Microsoft has released its PowerToys utilities set on the Microsoft Store for Windows 11. Until now, it was only available on GitHub.
See how Windows is optimized for developers, and how you can streamline your workflow with Terminal, DevHome, and PowerToys. Level up your devboxExplore more content Documentation Check out documentation to get started with developing on and for Windows. Microsoft Learn Our hands-on approach...