Power BI 1 juillet, 2021parJeroen ter Heerdt Learn how using data can help you understand and improve your business. Power BI lets you easily unify data from many sources to create interactive dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights to drive your business. This training covers an...
Tutorial címkéjű bejegyzések Power BI Weekly Service Update Announcements szeptember 22, 2015készítette:The Power BI Team We are excited to announce an additional set of features available in this week’s update. Today’s release includes the following updates: Customizing dashboards with ...
APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceThis tutorial is an introduction to some of the features of the Power BI service. In this tutorial, you connect to data, create a report and a dashboard, and ask questions about your data. The exercises show you how to work with data on a...
開啟Power BI 服務 (app.powerbi.com),然後在左側導覽中選取 [學習]。 在[學習中心] 頁面的 [範例報表] 底下,捲動直至您看到 [零售分析範例] 爲止。 選取範例。 其會以 [閱讀] 模式開啟。 Power BI 會匯入内建範例,並將儀表板、報表和語意模型新增至您目前的工作區。
In this tutorial, you perform the following tasks: Create a consumer group on your IoT hub. Create and configure an Azure Stream Analytics job to read temperature telemetry from your consumer group and send it to Power BI. Create a report of the temperature data in Power BI and share it ...
Tutorial: Use Power BI Q&A to explore your data and create visuals on a dashboard Article 01/18/2025 4 contributors Feedback In this article Prerequisites Import the sample in the Power BI service Get started using Q&A on a dashboard Use Q&A on a dashboard in the Power BI service...
Power BI amplifies your insights and the value of your data. Find expert information and answers here, no matter how you use Power BI.
If you recognize yourself in the following questions, we have just the right tool for you with the Power BI hands-on tutorial for controllers: Do you know which figures are relevant to you, but find it difficult to create a suitable model and link your data in...
In this tutorial you learned how to import Internet-based data to your Data Model. There’s a lot of data available on the Internet, and knowing how to find it and include it in your reports is a great tool to have in your reporting knowledge set....
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。