Power BI 16 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019έωςTessa Hurr We’re excited to introduce a new Power BI sample report for you to play around with. This report includes new features, shows designs factors you should take into consideration when building a report, and has been optimized Powe...
As our Valentine’s Day gift to you, we offer this bouquet of Power BI visualizations, filled with the most carefully selected data and freshest insights related to this most romantic of holidays. These dashboards… » Διαβάστεπερισσότερα ...
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
There are built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases. Here's a collection of different samples:The Sales & Returns sample Power BI report (.pbix file). You can view it in the Data Stories Gallery, open and explore it in Power ...
sample csharp js python java ts powershell power-bi dotnet-core dotnet node-js react flask This repository contains Power BI Embedded solutions in 5 different frameworks to suit different scenarios as per requirements. In addition, it has samples for calling the Power BI REST APIs using PowerShe...
Hello Everyone, I am looking to get some power BI sample reports for, Sports (FootBall, HandBall, Soccer ...etc.) HealthCare (Hospitals and private clinics Factories in general Microsoft Dynamics (CRM & AX reports and database). Google Analutics and any other PowerBI sample reports. Can an...
在应用、网站和门户中嵌入 Power BI 在应用程序、网站、门户、SharePoint 和 Microsoft Teams 中使用令人惊叹的交互式数据可视化效果在上下文中展示业务数据。使用 Power BI REST API 和客户端 API,轻松嵌入交互式报表和仪表板,实现跨设备的一致高保真体验。在 Power BI Embedded 分析操场中探索客户端 API 并浏览交互...
This repository contains Power BI Embedded solutions in 5 different frameworks to suit different scenarios as per requirements. In addition, it has samples for calling the Power BI REST APIs using PowerShell. Available solutions for embedding Power BI content: ...