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*某些产品可能不符合某些付款和费用方案。请参考 Azure 门户或定价计算器 ( 了解有关可用性的更多信息。 使用Azure 预付款:微软每个月都会从客户的Azure 预付款(或已分配年度预付款,如适用)中扣除客户使用合格 Microsoft Azure 服务所需支付的金额。在客户的Azure 预...
Power BI Premium is available in a range of capacity sizes, each with different numbers of virtual cores and memory sizes that can scale as requirements change –readthe Power BI Premium whitepaper for more information and explore thecalculatorto help with Power BI Premium deployment planning. Vis...
Power BI Premium is available in a range of capacity sizes, each with different numbers of virtual cores and memory sizes that can scale as requirements change –readthe Power BI Premium whitepaper for more information and explore thecalculatorto help with Power BI Premium deployment planning. Vis...
若要在 Power BI 中安裝 Azure 的排放影響儀表板,並連線到您的資料,請確定您擁有 Power BI Pro 授權。 如果您沒有 Power BI Pro 授權,請立即取得免費試用。Azure 的排放影響儀表板支援 EA Direct、MCA,以及與 Microsoft 具有直接計費關係的 MPA 帳戶。
若要在 Power BI 中安装 Azure“排放影响”仪表板并将其连接到你的数据,请确保你拥有 Power BI Pro 许可证。 如果没有 Power BI Pro 许可证,请立即获取免费试用版。与Microsoft 有直接计费关系的 EA Direct、MCA 和 MPA 帐户支持 Azure“排放影响”仪表板。
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“Pay less using more.” AWS also offers a free 12-month plan. Once the trial period has expired, the customer must either choose a paid plan or cancel its AWS subscription. While Amazon does provide a price calculator to estimate potential cloud costs, the many variables make it confusing...
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