The following table summarizes the ports and protocols used by Office Communications Servers and clients. Note Windows Firewall must be running before you start the services on Office Communications Server, because that is when Office Communications Server opens the required ports in the firewall. ...
When you install the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) management server, you can assign some of the ports that it will use for communications and file transfers between various VMM components and other devices. While it is a best security practice to change the default ports, not all of the por...
To change the protocol and port, use the Protocols and Ports tab.备注 The list of available protocols in the property dialog box is more extensive than in the wizard. You can specify a different port for the local computer and remote computer and specify ICMP properties. ...
使用Office 365 基于云的服务(包括 Microsoft Teams)的所有客户端都需要连接到 Office 365 终结点。 Office 365 终结点表示 Internet 上 Office 365 流量的目标 IP 地址、DNS 域名和 URL 集。不同的 Office 365 客户端和设备通过多个网络路径和网络设备(包括交换机、路由器、代理服务...
Use this section to help identify the ports and protocols that a particular service uses. The Ports and protocols section includes a table that summarizes the information from the System services ports section. The table is sorted by the port number instead of by the service name. Use this sec...
The description of the ports and protocols in this chapter is from the IANA. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the protocol engineering and developmental arm of the Internet. Also, the Internet Society (ISOC), a professional organization of Internet experts, comments on policies and ...
Microsoft La messagerie unifiée Exchange 2013 nécessite l'utilisation de plusieurs ports TCP et UDP (User Datagram Protocol) pour établir une communication entre les serveurs Exchange 2013 et d'autres périphériques. En autorisant l'accès via ces ports IP, vous permettez à la messagerie ...
Network Ports and Protocols Used by IPSec Related Information In the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system, Internet Protocol security (IPSec) helps provide defense-in-depth against network-based attacks from untrusted computers. IPSec provides protection from attack in host-to-host, virtual pr...
Streaming with RTSP fails if a firewall separates the client and server, and the firewall blocks the ports and protocols that RTSP uses. This problem is especially common with home Internet gateways. Even if the gateway has a built-in RTSP NAT, streaming might fail at times. ...
SharePoint 2013 isn’t that much different from MOSS 2007 with regard to network communication and protocols. It is still a web-based application based on the .NET Framework with dependencies on SQL Server, Active Directory and DNS. Most of the information in that...