Microsoft Planner活动 下表列出了记录用于审核的 Microsoft Planner 中的用户和管理员活动。 表包括“ 活动” 列中显示的友好名称,以及导出搜索结果时显示在审核记录详细信息和 CSV 文件中的相应操作的名称。 备注 Planner 中的项目组合活动记录为 web 路线图活动的 Microsoft Project。 有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft...
create_new_chat_thread_sfc - 為 SfC Interop 聊天建立新聊天對話時觸發。 create_personal_plan_and_nav_to_view - 確認已成功建立個人工作清單,以及在動作之後使用者導向結果所需的時間。 create_personal_task - 確認已成功建立個人工作專案。 create_planner_plan_and_nav_to_view - 確認已成功建立共用工作...
Module: Microsoft.Graph.Planner Create a new plannerPlan object. 注意 To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaPlannerPlan Syntax PowerShell 複製 New-MgPlannerPlan [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-Buckets <IMicrosoftGraphPlanne...
label google.items.label string google/label likelihood google.items.likelihood float google/likelihood nsfw_likelihood microsoft.nsfw_likelihood float microsoft/nsfw_likelihood items microsoft.items array of object microsoft/items label microsoft.items.label string microsoft/label likelihood microsoft....
Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas. As a result, these formulas cannot be evaluated. Hi Everyone, I'm...
Fixes an issue in which the Breadcrumb navigation shows an ID instead of a Label when filtering a view based on a managed metadata column. Fixes an issue in which the DateTime filter doesn't work for the lookup field when the regional sett...
SharePoint Server 2019 中的 Access Services 功能依赖于 SharePoint Server 2019 不再支持的某些 SQL Server 2012 组件。 此安全更新程序包包括对 Access Services 功能的更改,使它能够与较新的 SQL Server 组件兼容。 为了确保 Access Services 功能继续工作并受支持,Access Services 客户应在安装 SharePoint Server...
The mailbox owner can't create a new subfolder when this limit is reached. Warning for number of subfolders per mailbox folder: Specifies the number of subfolders that can be created in a mailbox folder before Exchange Online sends a warning message to the mailbox owner. When this quota ...
The mailbox owner can't create a new subfolder when this limit is reached. Warning for number of subfolders per mailbox folder: Specifies the number of subfolders that can be created in a mailbox folder before Exchange Online sends a warning message to the mailbox owner. When this quota ...