If your country/region isn't listed, select a neighboring country/region or dial the United States support phone number.In most countries/regions, billing support for Microsoft 365 for business products and services is provided in English from 9 AM-5 PM, Monday through Friday. Local language ...
使用此頁面尋找在加拿大取得和移轉 Microsoft Teams 電話號碼的相關信息。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 管理組織的電話號碼。 在此頁面上: 從Microsoft Teams 取得新號碼 將現有數位移轉至 Microsoft Teams 我可以移轉哪些數字類型? 從Microsoft Teams 取得新號碼 展開資料表 常見問題詳細資料 我需要提供哪些資訊和檔才能...
使用此页可查找有关在加拿大为 Microsoft Teams 获取和移植电话号码的信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅为你的组织管理电话号码。 在此页上: 从Microsoft Teams 获取新号码 将现有号码移植到 Microsoft Teams 可以移植哪些数字类型? 从Microsoft Teams 获取新号码 ...
Visit the official Microsoft website at https://account.live.com/password/reset, enter your email address, phone number, or your username. and click Next. You will be asked where you want to get the security code. Select the email address or phone number of a backup contact on the ...
使用下表來尋找加拿大電話號碼的號碼可用性、資格和限制的所有相關資訊。號碼類型和功能可用性展開資料表 號碼類型傳送SMS接收簡訊撥話收話 免付費電話 正式發行 正式發行 正式發行 正式發行* 區域 - - 正式發行 正式發行* 簡短代碼 正式發行 正式發行 - -...
In Canada, dial (905) 568-9641 between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft prices, terms, and conditions in place at the time the service is used. Microsoft documentation in alternative formats In ...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
English (Canada) 0x1009 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Caribbean) 0x2409 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (India) 0x4009 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Ireland) 0x1809 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Jamaica) 0x2009 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Malaysia) ...
English (Canada) 0x1009 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Caribbean) 0x2409 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (India) 0x4009 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Ireland) 0x1809 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Jamaica) 0x2009 0x0409 Latin1_General_CI_AS English (Malaysia) ...
Visit the official Microsoft website at https://account.live.com/password/reset, enter your email address, phone number, or your username. and click Next. You will be asked where you want to get the security code. Select the email address or phone number of a backup contact on the ...