与我们联系 登录以便我们为你提供正确的帮助和支持。 登录 选择你需要帮助的产品 我们将首先向你显示自助选项。其他帮助也可提供,包括与 Microsoft 专家的实时聊天。
选择下面的区域,查找所在国家/地区中的客户服务电话号码。 非洲 亚洲 澳大利亚 / 太平洋 欧洲 北美洲 / 中美洲 / 加勒比地区 中东 南美洲 上次更新时间:2025 年 1 月 30 日 订阅RSS 源 需要更多帮助? 需要更多选项? 发现社区 了解订阅权益、浏览培训课程...
public Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PhoneNumberDictionary PhoneNumbers { get; } 属性值 PhoneNumberDictionary 联系人的电话号码的索引列表。 示例 以下示例演示如何设置联系人的家庭电话号码,其中 contact 表示对象 Contact。 contact.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.HomePhone] = "111-111-1111"; 适用于 产...
When you use one of the following methods to call a user in Microsoft Lync 2013 or Microsoft Skype for Business, the telephone number (or numbers) may not be displayed: You right-click the contact, as in the following screenshot:
Hello Please i need your help on this issue I would like to use PowerShell to remove phone numbers from all users' contact information on outlook. Also to use PowerShell to add phone numbers for multiple users in Microsoft Entra.
The ImTelephoneNumber element represents the telephone number for a contact that is added to an instant messaging (IM) group.
The ContactPhoneNumber type is used for the PhoneNumbers property of a Contact.CapabilitiesIf you use this API in your app, you must specify the following capabilities in the app manifest. Otherwise, your app might not work correctly or it might exit unexpectedly....
When you add a new phone number, we'll send a text message to that number to verify it. Enter the code in the text message, and then select Next. Note Email addresses and phone numbers that are already set up as an alias on another account can’t be used. You can use any ...
If you want a value such as (954) 731-5100 to be the stored value, it must be a text value, not a number.\n I don't know why some values come over from the database as a number and others as a text value.\n To convert all phone numbers to text values, you could run the...
Canonical address format for phone numbers The canonical address format is a universal phone number format recognized by the Windows Server 2003 Telephony API (TAPI). The format explicitly identifies the components of a phone number, which TAPI translates according to a country or region's dialing ...