Contact us Sign in so we can get you the right help and support. Sign in Select the product you need help with We'll show you self-help options first. Additional help is available if you need it, including live chat with a Microsoft specialist....
ContactInformation 建構函式 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation 編輯 初始化 ContactInformation 類別的新實例。 C# 複製 public ContactInformation(); Windows 需求 展開資料表 應用程式功能 ID_CAP_CONTACTS [Windows Phone] 適用於 產品版本 WinRT Build 10586, Build 14383, ...
After confirming your phone and email contact information, select the method of contact you prefer. The window displays a response time for each contact method, which gives you an expectation of when you'll be contacted. Before submitting your request, attach files like logs or screenshots that ...
I just received and email "Notice of Developer Requirements" with this section: Updating Your Contact Information Microsoft requires that you enter your contact information: email, physical address, and phone number. This information is… Microsoft Partner Center Microsoft Partner Center A Microsoft ...
包含連絡人的相關資訊。 注意 contactInformation 可能會在Windows 8.1之後變更或無法使用。 請改用 連絡人。
The Teams Phone with Calling Plan service component—the domestic calling plan—is sold inclusive of all required taxes and fees, including 911 fees and other transactional taxes that typically apply to communication services in the US. The price includes these taxes and fees. The phone system com...
Link to Windows now provides a new feature to allow you to sync your contacts from your Android devices to Teams for Life by enabling Contact Sync. Sync your contacts from your Android phone to your personal Microsoft account and find them with ease when you are using other Microsoft ...
Name and contact data. Your first and last name, employee identification number, email address, mailing address, phone number, photo, beneficiary and emergency contact details, and other similar contact data. Additionally, you may opt to provide Microsoft with additional contact information such as ...
Can I use the Phone Link as a non-default user or two phone mode user (available in Korea only)? You may encounter two phone mode if your mobile provider is in Korea. The Phone Link does not currently support two phone mode or multiple profiles mode. Please...
Can I use the Phone Link as a non-default user or two phone mode user (available in Korea only)? You may encounter two phone mode if your mobile provider is in Korea. The Phone Link does not currently support two phone mode or multiple profiles mode. Please...