Because of this, we all have massive amounts of personal data on the internet. While the convenience of having your personal information at your fingertips with the swipe of your thumb, it also increases the need for personal data protection. You can fight back against hackers and scammers ...
从Windows 11 版本 22H2 开始,个人数据加密是一项安全功能,可为 Windows 提供基于文件的数据加密功能。个人数据加密利用Windows Hello 企业版将数据加密密钥与用户凭据链接。 当用户使用 Windows Hello 企业版 登录到设备时,会释放解密密钥,并且用户可以访问加密的数据。 当用户注销时,解密密钥将被丢弃,并且数据不可访...
从Windows 11 版本 22H2 开始,个人数据加密是一项安全功能,可为 Windows 提供基于文件的数据加密功能。 个人数据加密利用Windows Hello 企业版将数据加密密钥与用户凭据链接。 当用户使用 Windows Hello 企业版 登录到设备时,会释放解密密钥,并且用户可以访问加密的数据。
你可以在 Microsoft 隐私 上找到有关 Microsoft 以及我们致力于保护你的隐私的详细信息。 个人数据安全个人数据安全mainsecurityofpersonaldatamodule 小结 Microsoft 致力于保护你的个人数据的安全。 我们采用各种安全技术和步骤来帮助保护你的个人数据,以防在未经授权的情况下擅自访问、使用或披露此类数据。 例如,我们将你...
You can also make choices about the collection and use of your data by Microsoft. You can control your personal data that Microsoft has obtained, and exercise your data protection rights, by contacting Microsoft or using various tools we provide. In some cases, your ability to access or contro...
You can also make choices about the collection and use of your data by Microsoft. You can control your personal data that Microsoft has obtained, and exercise your data protection rights, by contacting Microsoft or using various tools we provide. In some cases, your ability to access or contro...
You can also make choices about the collection and use of your data by Microsoft. You can control your personal data that Microsoft has obtained, and exercise your data protection rights, by contacting Microsoft or using various tools we provide. In some cases, your ability to access or contro...
Microsoft 365 Data Residency Data residency refers to the geographic location where data is stored at rest. Many customers, particularly in the public sector and regulated industries, have distinct requirements around protecting personal or sensitive information. In addition, in certain countries, ...
根据阿根廷宪法,个人数据保护法案第 25.326 号 (PDPA) (Ley de Protección de los Datos Personales) 已于 2000 年执行,以帮助保护个人数据隐私,并允许个人访问存储在公用和专用数据库和注册表中的任何信息。 内阁中访问公共信息的阿根廷机构(Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública,AAIP)负责强制实施这条...
Types of Information Viewing Personal or Hidden Information Show 14 more Summary: By default, Microsoft Office Word 2003 documents contain hidden data. One measure you can take when sharing documents with others is to remove the information you don't want others to see. This article presents...